논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-07 Translation and validation of the Korean version of the QUAlity of Life Assessment in Spina bifida for Teenagers (QUALAS-T-K) Disability and Rehabilitation
2024-04 Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Korean version of the quality of life assessment in spina bifida for children (QUALAS-C-K) DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION
2023-09 Changes in Autonomic Nervous System Activity in Children With Spina Bifida: A Case-Control Study International Neurourology Journal
2023-09 Emerging structural and pathological analyses on the erectile organ, corpus cavernous containing sinusoids Reproductive Medicine and Biology
2023-09 Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Korean modified version of the QUAlity of Life Assessment in Spina bifida for Young Adults (QAULAS-YA-Km) DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION
2023-07 Outcomes of single-port robotic ureteral reconstruction using the da Vinci SP® system Investigative and Clinical Urology
2023-06 Effects of Androgen Treatment on Growth in Patients with 5-α-Reductase Type 2 Deficiency Journal of Personalized Medicine
2023-02 The Genotype-Phenotype Correlation in Human 5α-Reductase Type 2 Deficiency: Classified and Analyzed from a SRD5A2 Structural Perspective International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2023-01 Analysis of factors affecting permanent clean intermittent catheterization and bladder function after primary neurosurgical repair of lipomyelomeningocele Neurourology and Urodynamics
2022-02 Long-term usage pattern and satisfaction survey of continent catheterizable channels Journal of Pediatric Urology
2021-11 A retrospective analysis of ureteropelvic junction obstructions in patients with horseshoe kidney Translational Andrology and Urology
2021-10 Comparison between prepubertal and postpubertal patients with obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly syndrome JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC UROLOGY
2021-10 An Analysis of Major Causes of Surgical Failure Using Bähren System in Intraoperative Venography During Varicocelectomy YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2021-10 Ovotesticular disorder of sex development in Korean children: a single-center analysis over a 30-year period JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC AND ADOLESCENT GYNECOLOGY
2021-09 Comparison of intraoperative and short-term postoperative outcomes between robot-assisted laparoscopic multi-port pyeloplasty using the da Vinci Si system and single-port pyeloplasty using the da Vinci SP system in children Investigative and Clinical Urology
2021-07 Renal growth slope in children with congenital and acquired solitary functioning kidneys ULTRASONOGRAPHY
2021-01 Continuous body impedance measurement to detect bladder volume changes during urodynamic study: A prospective study in pediatric patients NEUROUROLOGY AND URODYNAMICS
2020-12 Buccal Mucosa Tube Graft for Failed Hypospadias Repair: Worth it or Not? UROLOGY
2020-12 The fate of lower pole hydronephrosis after transurethral incision of upper pole ureteroceles in children with duplex systems JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC UROLOGY
2020-10 Urethral duplication in male children: A study of 12 cases JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY
2020-05 Effects of 1% Lidocaine Instillation on Overactive Bladder Induced by Bladder Outlet Obstruction in Rats UROLOGY JOURNAL
2020-04 Clinical Features of and Antibiotic Resistance in Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection in Children with Vesicoureteral Reflux Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
2020-04 Renal elasticity and perfusion changes associated with fibrosis on ultrasonography in a rabbit model of obstructive uropathy EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY
2019-10 robot-assisted laparoscopic single-port pyeloplasty using the da Vinci SP system: initial experience with a pediatric patient JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC UROLOGY
2019-10 Transurethral incision as initial option in treatment guidelines for ectopic ureteroceles associated with duplex systems WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY
2019-08 Efficacy and safety of mirabegron, a β3‑adrenoceptor agonist, for treating neurogenic bladder in pediatric patients with spina bifida: a retrospective pilot study WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY
2019-07 Pure single-site robot-assisted pyeloplasty with the da Vinci SP surgical system: Initial experience Investigative and Clinical Urology
2019-07 Normal Changes and Ranges of Pediatric Testicular Volume and Shear Wave Elasticity ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY
2018-05 New bulking agent for the treatment of vesicoureteral reflux: Polymethylmethacrylate/dextranomer. Investigative and Clinical Urology
2018-04 Different managements for prepubertal epididymitis based on a preexisting genitourinary anomaly diagnosis PLOS ONE
2017-11 Testicular volume and elasticity changes in young children with undescended testes MEDICAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY
2017-06 Pediatric vesicoureteral reflux: Slow but steady steps Investigative and Clinical Urology
2017-06 Endoscopic injection therapy Investigative and Clinical Urology
2012-09 Vesicoureteral reflux and bladder dysfunction Translational Andrology and Urology