논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-11 Quantum-centric supercomputing for materials science: A perspective on challenges and future directions Future Generation Computer Systems
2024-08 Probing the weak limit of magnetocrystalline anisotropy through a spin-flop transition in the van der Waals antiferromagnet CrPS<sub>4</sub> NPG Asia Materials
2024-07 Real-time observation of coherent spin wave handedness Nature Communications
2024-04 Re-order parameter of interacting thermodynamic magnets Nature Communications
2024-03 Coherent charge hopping suppresses photoexcited small polarons in ErFeO&lt;inf&gt;3&lt;/inf&gt; by antiadiabatic formation mechanism Science Advances
2024-02 Capturing Coherent Magnons by Tip-Assisted Terahertz Spectroscopy Nano Letters
2023-11 Unconventional room-temperature carriers in the triangular-lattice Mott insulator TbInO&lt;inf&gt;3&lt;/inf&gt; Nature Physics
2023-09 Type-II Red Phosphorus: Wavy Packing of Twisted Pentagonal Tubes Angewandte Chemie International Edition
2023-07 Kondo interaction in FeTe and its potential role in the magnetic order Nature Communications
2023-05 Gapless superconductivity in Nb thin films probed by terahertz spectroscopy Nature Communications
2023-05 Spin–phonon interactions and magnetoelectric coupling in Co4B2O9 (B = Nb, Ta) Applied Physics Letters
2023-05 Giant and highly anisotropic magnetocaloric effects in single crystals of disordered-perovskite RCr&lt;inf&gt;0.5&lt;/inf&gt;Fe&lt;inf&gt;0.5&lt;/inf&gt;O&lt;inf&gt;3&lt;/inf&gt; (R = Gd, Er) Scientific Reports
2023-04 Electrical Transport Properties Driven by Unique Bonding Configuration in ?-GeSe Nano Letters
2023-03 Direct correlation between spin states and magnetic torques in a room-temperature van der Waals antiferromagnet NPG Asia Materials
2023-02 Spin-flip-driven anomalous Hall effect and anisotropic magnetoresistance in a layered Ising antiferromagnet Scientific reports
2023-01 Evolution of anisotropic magnetic properties through helix-to-fan transition in helical antiferromagnetic EuCo2As2 Communications Physics
2022-12 Sign-tunable anisotropic magnetoresistance and electrically detectable dual magnetic phases in a helical antiferromagnet NPG Asia Materials
2022-07 Spin-flip-driven reversal of the angle-dependent magnetic torque in layered antiferromagnetic Ca0.9Sr0.1Co2As2 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022-01 Low-field magnetic anisotropy of Sr2IrO4 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER
2021-12 Behavior of magnetoelectric hysteresis and role of rare earth ions in multiferroicity in double perovskite Yb2CoMnO6 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021-11 Terahertz spectroscopy of antiferromagnetic resonances in YFe1-xMnxO3 (0<x<0.4) across a spin reorientation transition APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
2021-10 Evolution of the electronic structure of Ru-doped single-crystal iridates Sr2Ir1−xRuxO4 PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2021-06 Stable humplike Hall effect and noncoplanar spin textures in SrRuO3 ultrathin films Physical Review Research
2021-04 Tunable magnetization steps in mixed valent ferromagnet Eu2CoMnO6 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021-04 Capping and gate control of anomalous Hall effect and hump structure in ultra-thin SrRuO3 films APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
2021-02 Spin-orbit coupling driven orbital-selective doping effect in Sr2Ru1-xIrxO4 PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2021-02 Dynamics of a fractal set of first-order magnetic phase transitions in frustrated Lu2CoMnO6 PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2020-12 Noncollinear antiferromagnetic order in the buckled honeycomb lattice of magnetoelectric Co4Ta2O9 determined by single-crystal neutron diffraction PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2020-07 Highly nonlinear magnetoelectric effect in buckled-honeycomb antiferromagnetic Co4Ta2O9 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2020-07 Anisotropic and nonlinear magnetodielectric effects in orthoferrite ErFeO3 single crystals SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2019-07 Enhanced Exchange Bias Effect by Modulating Relative Ratio of Magnetic Ions in Y2Co2-xMnxO6 (x = 1.0–1.9) PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI-RAPID RESEARCH LETTERS
2019-05 Nonlinear magnetodielectric effect of disordered perovskite HoCr0.5Fe0.5O3: Role of magnetic rare-earth ions JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
2019-04 Strong magnetoelectric coupling in mixed ferrimagnetic-multiferroic phases of a double perovskite SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2018-12 Van der Waals junction field effect transistors with both n- and p-channel transition metal dichalcogenides npj 2D Materials and Applications
2018-12 Antiferromagnet-Based Spintronic Functionality by Controlling Isospin Domains in a Layered Perovskite Iridate ADVANCED MATERIALS
2018-11 Anisotropic magnetic properties and giant rotating magnetocaloric effect in double-perovskite Tb2CoMnO6 PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2018-09 Tuning of Topological Dirac States via Modification of van der Waals Gap in Strained Ultrathin Bi2Se3 Films JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
2017-11 Giant Anisotropic Magnetocaloric Effect in Double-perovskite Gd2CoMnO6 Single Crystals SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2017-10 In-plane magnetic anisotropy in strontium iridate Sr2IrO4 PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2017-03 Single Crystal Growth of Multiferroic Double Perovskites: Yb2CoMnO6 and Lu2CoMnO6 Crystals
2016-11 Mo1?xWxSe2?Based Schottky Junction Photovoltaic Cells ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES
2016-05 Electric polarization observed in single crystals of multiferroic Lu2MnCoO6 PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2016-03 Large magnetic anisotropy in canted antiferromagnetic Sr2IrO4 single crystals PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2015-11 Enhanced magnetic coercivity and maximum energy product in double-perovskite Y2CoMnO6 single crystals PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI-RAPID RESEARCH LETTERS
2015-11 Electron-Doped Sr2IrO4: An Analogue of Hole-Doped Cuprate Superconductors Demonstrated by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy PHYSICAL REVIEW X
2015-11 Nonlinear magnetodielectric effect in double-perovskite Gd2NiMnO6 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS
2015-11 Direct observation of magnetodielectric effect in type-I multiferroic PbFe0.5Ti0.25W0.25O3 CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS
2015-10 Investigation of the magnetic properties in double perovskite R2CoMnO6 single crystals (R = rare earth: La to Lu) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER
2015-05 Investigation of spin reorientation in YMn1-xFexO3 (x=0.55, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, and 1.0) by Mossbauer spectroscopy JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
2015-04 Effects of different annealing atmospheres on magnetic properties in La2CoMnO6 single crystals CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS
2014-11 망간기반 다강체 물질의 강한 자기전기결합효과와 도메인 특성 물리학과 첨단기술
2014-03 Strong ferromagnetic-dielectric coupling in multiferroic Lu2CoMnO6 single crystals APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
2014-03 Effects of hole doping on magnetic and lattice excitations in Sr2Ir1-xRuxO4 (x=0-0.2) PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2014-02 Magnetic control of ferroelectric polarization in a self-formed single magnetoelectric domain of multiferroic Ba3NbFe3Si 2O14 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
2013-04 Giant Magnetic Fluctuations at the Critical Endpoint in Insulating HoMnO3 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
2013-03 Giant Tunability of Ferroelectric Polarization in GdMn2O5 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
2012-12 Collective Magnetism at Multiferroic Vortex Domain Walls NANO LETTERS
2012-10 Far-infrared spectra of the magnetic exchange resonances and optical phonons and their connection to magnetic and dielectric properties of Dy 3Fe 5O 12 garnet PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2012-06 Imaging the First-Order Magnetic Transition in La0.35Pr0.275Ca0.375MnO3 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
2012-03 Charge-Orbital Density Wave and Superconductivity in the Strong Spin-Orbit Coupled IrTe2:Pd PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
2011-11 Magnetoelectric Feedback among Magnetic Order, Polarization, and Lattice in Multiferroic BiFeO(3) JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN
2011-07 Fragile Magnetic Ground State in Half-Doped LaSr(2)Mn(2)O(7) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
2011-07 Mechanism of exchange striction of ferroelectricity in multiferroic orthorhombic HoMnO(3) single crystals PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2011-06 Enhanced superconducting T(c) in the immiscible system (La(1.85)Sr(0.15)CuO(4))(x)(Lu(2)Cu(2)O(5))(1-x) PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2011-05 Temperature-dependent properties of the magnetic order in single-crystal BiFeO(3) PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2011-05 Adjusted oscillator strength matching for hybrid magnetic and electric excitations in Dy(3)Fe(5)O(12) garnet PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2011-01 Temperature-dependent Raman scattering of multiferroic Pb(Fe(1/2)Nb(1/2))O(3) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER
2010-12 Observation of anomalous phonons in orthorhombic rare-earth manganites Applied Physics Letters
2010-08 Cross-Control of Magnetization and Polarization by Electric and Magnetic Fields with Competing Multiferroic and Weak-Ferromagnetic Phases Physical Review Letters
2010-07 Coupling between magnon and ligand-field excitations in magnetoelectric Tb(3)Fe(5)O(12) garnet PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2010-04 Surface reconstruction of hexagonal Y-doped HoMnO(3) and LuMnO(3) studied using low-energy electron diffraction PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2010-04 Origin of Electric-Field-Induced Magnetization in Multiferroic HoMnO(3) Physical Review Letters
2010-03 Insulating interlocked ferroelectric and structural antiphase domain walls in multiferroic YMnO(3) Nature Materials
2009-09 Magnetic excitations and optical transitions in the multiferroic spin-1/2 system LiCu(2)O(2) Physical Review B
2009-05 Giant magnetic coercivity and ionic superlattice nano-domains in Fe0.25TaS2 Epl
2009-05 Order by Static Disorder in the Ising Chain Magnet Ca(3)Co(2-x)Mn(x)O(6) Physical Review Letters
2009-05 Pancakelike Ising domains and charge-ordered superlattice domains in LuFe(2)O(4) Physical Review B
2009-04 Switchable Ferroelectric Diode and Photovoltaic Effect in BiFeO(3) Science
2009-02 Thermally or magnetically induced polarization reversal in the multiferroic CoCr2O4 Physical Review Letters
2009-01 3:1 magnetization plateau and suppression of ferroelectric polarization in an Ising chain multiferroic Physical Review B
2009-01 Origin of Electromagnon Excitations in Multiferroic RMnO(3) Physical Review Letters
2008-09 Formation of pancakelike ising domains and giant magnetic coercivity in ferrimagnetic LuFe(2)O(4) Physical Review Letters
2008-06 Multiferroicity in the spin-1/2 quantum matter of LiCu(2)O(2) Applied Physics Letters
2008-05 Multiferroicity in the square-lattice antiferromagnet of Ba(2)CoGe(2)O(7) Applied Physics Letters
2008-03 Spin-phonon coupling in frustrated magnet CdCr(2)O(4) Physical Review B
2008-02 Ferroelectricity in an Ising chain magnet Physical Review Letters
2007-12 Magnetic nanocheckerboards with tunable sizes in the Mn-doped CoFe(2)O(4) spinel APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
2007-08 Colossal magnon-phonon coupling in multiferroic Eu0.75Y0.25MnO3 PHYSICAL REVIEW B
2007-03 Coercivity and nanostructure in magnetic spinel Mg(Mn,Fe)(2)O(4) APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
2007-02 Ferroelectricity in an S=1/2 chain cuprate PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS