논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-07 Bethel between Inclusion and Exclusion in Judah's Identity Negotiation Revue Biblique
2023-06 1911년 『구약젼셔』 이사야 1장 번역의 특징과 의의 신학논단
2023-06 The golden calf of Bethel and Judah’s mimetic desire of Israel Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
2023-06 Bethel, Dark Woods, and Taboo: 1 Kings 13 as a Cautionary Tale BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION-A JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES
2022-06 Some Observations on Exod 6,2-8 and the Priestly Periodization BIBLICA
2021-11 Genesis and Exodus as Conceptually Independent, Competing Origin Myths? ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DIE ALTTESTAMENTLICHE WISSENSCHAFT
2020-10 Review of Lester L. Grabbe, Ancient Israel: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It Biblische Notizen
2020-03 [De]constructing the plain: The scope of Rashi’s peshat and the rise of literate mentality Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
2019-03 Abraham, our father, the father of all: A perspective from ancient Korean history Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
2019-03 Isaiah 33 between Literature and Performance EPHEMERIDES THEOLOGICAE LOVANIENSES
2017-12 amah and shipah in the Hebrew Bible 구약논단
2017-12 욕망과 타자화의 공간 ‘이스라엘’: 창세기 32:25-33의 수용사 연구 장신논단
2017-10 Elohim, The Elohist, and the Theory of Progressive Revelation BIBLICA
2015-12 출애굽기 3장?본문의 복합성과 그 방법론적 함의 장신논단
2015-12 창세기 신명 사용의 기술적 분석: 화자와 등장인물 사이의 차이를 중심으로 구약논단
2015-12 Four-Room House, Pillared House, and the Search for the Iron Age Israelite House 대학과 선교
2015-03 기억의 윤리: 세월호 이후 다시 읽는 므낫세 죽이기 신학논단
2014-12 미드라쉬 악가다: 기억의 하이퍼텍스트 공간에서 펼쳐지는 랍비들의 유희 신학논단
2014-09 Review of von Heijne, The Messenger of the Lord in Early Jewish Interpretations of Genesis Review of Biblical Literature
2014-03 창세기 27장의 장면전환 기법 분석을 통한 '베-X-카탈' 구문의 기능에 관한 연구 신학논단
2013-09 Abraham, Genesis 20-22, and the Northern Elohist BIBLICA
2013-07 Synchrony and Diachrony in Contemporary Biblical Interpretation CATHOLIC BIBLICAL QUARTERLY
2013-06 The Euphemism for the Ineffable Name of God and its Early Evidence in Chronicles Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
2013-04 Review of Judah and the Judeans in the Achaemenid Period: Negotiating Identity in an International Context CATHOLIC BIBLICAL QUARTERLY
2013-03 Review of Jacob and the Divine Trickster: A Theology of Deception and Yhwh's Fidelity to the Ancestral Promise in the Jacob Cycle by John E. Anderson Review of Biblical Literature
2012-07 Review of Yahweh and Moses in Conflict: The Role of Exodus 4:24-26 in the Book of Exodus CATHOLIC BIBLICAL QUARTERLY