논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-09 With or without metamorphosis of learning Orientation: Post-Cross-Border mergers and acquisitions performance of emerging multinational enterprises Journal of Business Research
2024-08 Pathways to exploration in higher education: status and institutional logic in public and private higher education institutions Higher Education
2024-05 Do firms with technological capabilities rush in? Evidence from the timing of licensing of Stanford inventions Journal of Business Research
2023-12 인지 및 경험적 탐색의 교환 관계가 복잡한 환경에서의 기업 성과에 미치는 영향 전략경영연구
2023-02 Innovating More Each Day and Every Day: A Confucian Learning Approach to Innovation in the Case of Astronomical Innovations in Fifteenth-Century Korea 인사조직연구
2022-12 Manufacturing Popularity: An Ecological Model of Time-Based Competition Strategy Science
2022-10 Time Orientation in Languages and Tax Avoidance Journal of Business Ethics
2022-10 포스코 그룹의 기업시민 여정에 대한 사례 분석: 붉은 여왕 효과를 고려한 경쟁력을 중심으로 경영학연구
2022-10 An open system understanding of product innovation: Attention allocation, external information sources, and absorptive capacity Systems
2022-06 The Influence of Institutional Experience on Foreign Subsidiary Exit of Korean MNEs: Focus on Regulatory and Normative Dimensions 국제경영리뷰
2022-05 When do generalists change more than specialists? Problem-driven and slack-driven change in labor allocation STRATEGIC ORGANIZATION
2021-10 Learning from Alliance Membership: An Empirical Study of Learning from the Failure of Their Alliance Members, Liability and Environmentally Sustainable Airline SUSTAINABILITY
2021-10 The dynamics of organizational reputation and status: momentum and volatility MANAGEMENT DECISION
2021-06 감사위원회 구성원 특성과 초과감사보수의 관련성 세무회계연구
2021-06 제품 리콜이 노동 생산성에 미치는 악영향과 그 개선책 연세경영연구
2021-06 조직학습이론(Organizational Learning Theory)의 관점에서 본 이순신 리더십 동서연구
2021-01 Reputation Incongruence and the Preference of Stakeholder: Case of MBA Rankings Behavioral Sciences
2020-09 Individualism-collectivism cultural differences in performance feedback theory Cross Cultural and Strategic Management
2020-04 싱가포르 창업생태계 연구: Isenberg(2010) 프레임워크의 지역적 변용을 통한 질적 연구를 중심으로 벤처창업연구
2020-01 Looking backward through the looking glass: Reference groups and social comparison JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATION
2019-09 Performance feedback and problemistic search: The moderating effects of managerial and board outsiderness JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH
2019-09 Exploiting old lessons and exploring new ideas: A Confucian approach to exploitation and exploration ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT
2019-04 Many hands: The effect of the prior inventor-intermediaries relationship on academic licensing RESEARCH POLICY
2018-11 Professional collaboration in technological innovation: A case of technology licensing of university inventions TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
2018-11 Moderating effects of agency problems and monitoring systems on the relationship between executive stock option and audit fees: Evidence from Korea Sustainability
2018-10 제품 관련 온라인 네트워크의 성장: 컨텐츠, 의사 소통 활동 그리고 구조의 역할 연세경영연구
2018-10 한국과 중국 청두의 창업생태계 비교에 관한 연구: 질적 연구를 중심으로 벤처창업연구
2018-09 Foreign monitoring and audit quality: Evidence from Korea SUSTAINABILITY
2018-09 Organizational attention and learning under regulatory intervention: Governmental investigation into auto engine quality CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES-REVUE CANADIENNE DES SCIENCES DE L ADMINISTRATION
2018-08 Firm/ product reputation and new product recalls Marketing Intelligence and Planning
2018-05 Economic status, social status, and rate of internationalization in US law firms International Journal of the Legal Profession
2017-09 The role of co-production networks in organisations’ efforts to enhance the learning curve outcomes TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT & BUSINESS EXCELLENCE
2017-08 조직/전략이론, 걸어온 길과 걸어갈 길을 살펴보는 특별한 장을 소개하며 인사조직연구
2017-03 Culture, Ambidexterity, and Performance: A Team-Level Study 인적자원개발연구
2017-03 Structural and Behavioral Antecedents of Change: Status, Distinctiveness, and Relative Performance JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT
2017-01 How airlines learn from airline accidents: An empirical study of how attributed errors and performance feedback affect learning from failure JOURNAL OF AIR TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT
2016-11 K-Pop's Global Success Didn't Happen by Accident HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW
2016-11 한국의 조직이론 연구 어떻게 나아갈 것인가? 인사조직연구
2016-09 Experience in Different Institutional Environments and Foreign Subsidiary Ownership Structure JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT
2015-11 조직학습이론의 과거, 현재, 그리고 미래 인사조직연구
2015-10 The contradictory roles of ambiguity for innovation in an industry: how beneficial are standardisation and classification? TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
2015-04 The role of experience in a governmental regulatory investigation in the U.S. automobile Industry: Organizational learning versus reputational dynamics SOCIO-ECONOMIC REVIEW
2015-02 Great Vessels Take a Long Time to Mature: Early Success Traps and Competences in Exploitation and Exploration ORGANIZATION SCIENCE
2014-12 Identity-based learning and segregation in social networks under different institutional environments COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL ORGANIZATION THEORY
2013-08 The effects of firm reputation and status on interorganizational network structure STRATEGIC ORGANIZATION
2013-07 National culture and friendship homophily in the multinational workplace ASIAN BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT
2013-06 Power source mismatch and the effectiveness of interorganizational relations: The case of venture capital syndication ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
2013-04 Agency theory and the context for R&D investment: Evidence from Korea ASIAN BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT
2012-10 Learning from age difference: Interorganizational learning and survival in Japanese foreign subsidiaries JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES
2012-06 Breaking the distance: Asian films, U.S. critics, and comparison strategies Development and Society
2010-12 The contingent effect of social networks on organizational commitment: A comparison of instrumental and expressive ties in a multinational high-technology company Sociological Perspectives
2010-12 Revisiting knowledge transfer: Effects of knowledge characteristics on organizational effort for knowledge transfer Expert Systems With Applications
2010-06 The pursuit of shared wisdom in class: When classical Chinese thinkers meet James March Academy Of Management Learning & Education
2010-03 Confucian capitalism and the paradox of closure and structural holes in East Asia firms Management And Organization Review
2009-06 Does reputation contribute to reducing organizational errors? A learning approach Journal Of Management Studies
2009-02 Exploration and exploitation: Internal variety and environmental dynamism Strategic Organization
2009-01 Contextual factors surrounding reputation damage with potential implications for reputation repair Academy Of Management Review
2008-01 The signals outside directors send to foreign investors: Evidence from Korea Corporate Governance-An International Review
2007-08 The time relevance of social capital RATIONALITY AND SOCIETY
2006-06 Resource Mobilization and Business Incubation: The Case of Korean Incubators DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIETY
2006-04 Confidence in imitation: Niche-width strategy in the UK automobile industry MANAGEMENT SCIENCE
2006-01 The liability of good reputation: A study of product recalls in the U.S. automobile industry ORGANIZATION SCIENCE
2004-11 The role of volition in organizational learning: The case of automotive product recalls MANAGEMENT SCIENCE
2004-09 Network updating and exploratory learning environment JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES
2000-08 소기업 연결망에서의 신뢰 창출-C가족의 사례 사회비평