논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-06 Genome-wide association analysis reveals the associations of NPHP4, TYW1-AUTS2 and SEMA6D for Behçet's disease and HLA-B*46:01 for its intestinal involvement Digestive and Liver Disease
2024-03 Synergistic toxicity with copper contributes to NAT2-associated isoniazid toxicity Experimental & Molecular Medicine
2023-11 Novel small molecule-mediated restoration of the surface expression and anion exchange activity of mutated pendrin causing Pendred syndrome and DFNB4 Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
2023-06 LRRC6 regulates biogenesis of motile cilia by aiding FOXJ1 translocation into the nucleus Cell Communication and Signaling
2022-09 Multicenter Surveillance of Cystic Fibrosis in Korean Children Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research
2022-07 Amelioration of SARS-CoV-2 infection by ANO6 phospholipid scramblase inhibition CELL REPORTS
2022-06 TMED3 Complex Mediates ER Stress-Associated Secretion of CFTR, Pendrin, and SARS-CoV-2 Spike Advanced Science
2022-06 Autophagy-Related Pathways in Vesicular Unconventional Protein Secretion FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY
2022-04 Differential genetic diagnoses of adult post-lingual hearing loss according to the audiogram pattern and novel candidate gene evaluation HUMAN GENETICS
2021-10 Unraveling the Genomic Architecture of the CYP3A Locus and ADME Genes for Personalized Tacrolimus Dosing TRANSPLANTATION
2021-10 Molecular Characterization of Biliary Tract Cancer Predicts Chemotherapy and PD-1/PD-L1 Blockade Responses HEPATOLOGY
2021-10 Secretory autophagy machinery and vesicular trafficking are involved in HMGB1 secretion AUTOPHAGY
2021-04 A pilot study to investigate the utility of NAT2 genotype-guided isoniazid monotherapy regimens in NAT2 slow acetylators PHARMACOGENETICS AND GENOMICS
2021-04 Plasma Membrane Localized GCaMP-MS4A12 by Orai1 Co-Expression Shows Thapsigargin- and Ca2+-Dependent Fluorescence Increases MOLECULES AND CELLS
2020-12 Isoproterenol-induced hypertrophy of neonatal cardiac myocytes and H9c2 cell is dependent on TRPC3-regulated CaV1.2 expression CELL CALCIUM
2020-08 Bicarbonate permeation through anion channels: its role in health and disease PFLUGERS ARCHIV-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY
2020-08 Molecular Diagnosis of Craniosynostosis Using Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing NEUROSURGERY
2020-07 Distinct Mechanisms of Over-Representation of Landmarks and Rewards in the Hippocampus CELL REPORTS
2020-06 ADCK4 Deficiency Destabilizes the Coenzyme Q Complex, Which Is Rescued by 2,4-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid Treatment JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY
2020-06 DNAJC14 Ameliorates Inner Ear Degeneration in the DFNB4 Mouse Model Molecular therapy Methods & clinical development.
2020-03 Grasp55−/− mice display impaired fat absorption and resistance to high-fat diet-induced obesity NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2020-03 Digenic inheritance of mutations in EPHA2 and SLC26A4 in Pendred syndrome. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2020-02 IRE1α kinase–mediated unconventional protein secretion rescues misfolded CFTR and pendrin SCIENCE ADVANCES
2020-01 Regulation of CFTR Bicarbonate Channel Activity by WNK1: Implications for Pancreatitis and CFTR-Related Disorders CMGH Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology
2019-08 Rare KCNQ4 variants found in public databases underlie impaired channel activity that may contribute to hearing impairment EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE
2019-04 Temperature-dependent increase in the calcium sensitivity and acceleration of activation of ANO6 chloride channel variants SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2019-03 Systematic evaluation of gene variants linked to hearing loss based on allele frequency threshold and filtering allele frequency SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2019-03 A recurrent mutation in KCNQ4 in Korean families with nonsyndromic hearing loss and rescue of the channel activity by KCNQ activators HUMAN MUTATION
2018-11 Unconventional secretion of transmembrane proteins SEMINARS IN CELL & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY
2018-10 Overexpression of WNK1 in POMC-expressing neurons reduces weigh gain via WNK4-mediated degradation of Kir6.2 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY
2018-07 Specific autophagy and ESCRT components participate in the unconventional secretion of CFTR AUTOPHAGY
2018-06 NPP1 is responsible for potent extracellular ATP hydrolysis as NTPDase1 in primary cultured murine microglia PURINERGIC SIGNALLING
2018-06 Unconventional protein secretion – new insights into the pathogenesis and therapeutic targets of human diseases JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE
2018-04 Neopepsee: accurate genome-level prediction of neoantigens by harnessing sequence and amino acid immunogenicity information ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY
2018-04 Survival of Cancer Stem-Like Cells Under Metabolic Stress via CaMK2α-mediated Upregulation of Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPase Expression. CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
2018-03 Targeting mutant KRAS with CRISPR-Cas9 controls tumor growth GENOME RESEARCH
2018-03 ZMYND10 stabilizes intermediate chain proteins in the cytoplasmic pre-assembly of dynein arms PLOS GENETICS
2017-12 ANO9/TMEM16J promotes tumourigenesis via EGFR and is a novel therapeutic target for pancreatic cancer BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER
2017-12 Adult-Onset Vitelliform Macular Dystrophy caused by BEST1 p.Ile38Ser Mutation is a Mild Form of Best Vitelliform Macular Dystrophy SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2017-11 A coding variant in FTO confers susceptibility to thiopurine-induced leukopenia in East Asian patients with IBD. GUT
2017-08 Chronological Change of Right Ventricle by Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia in Mice SLEEP
2017-05 Hippocampus-dependent goal localization by head-fixed mice in virtual reality eNeuro
2017-03 Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing for Comprehensive Genetic Profiling of Pharmacogenes CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS
2017-02 Comparison of clinical outcomes between wavefront-optimized versus corneal wavefront-guided transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy for myopic astigmatism JOURNAL OF CATARACT AND REFRACTIVE SURGERY
2017-02 UDP-Induced Phagocytosis and ATP-Stimulated Chemotactic Migration Are Impaired in STIM1(-/-) Microglia In Vitro and In Vivo MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION
2017-02 Sustained Mutant KIT Activation in the Golgi Complex Is Mediated by PKC-θ in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
2017-01 Enhancing inhibitory synaptic function reverses spatial memory deficits in Shank2 mutant mice NEUROPHARMACOLOGY
2017-01 Sec16A is critical for both conventional and unconventional secretion of CFTR SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2016-12 Generation of Delta F508-CFTR T84 cell lines by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS
2016-11 Knockdown of RPL9 expression inhibits colorectal carcinoma growth via the inactivation of Id-1/NF-kappa B signaling axis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY
2016-10 Resistance to pathologic cardiac hypertrophy and reduced expression of CaV1.2 in Trpc3-depleted mice MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY
2016-10 Prognostic Scoring Index for Patients with Metastatic Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2016-09 Dysfunctional cerebellar Purkinje cells contribute to autism-like behaviour in Shank2-deficient mice NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2016-07 Monomerization and ER Relocalization of GRASP Is a Requisite for Unconventional Secretion of CFTR TRAFFIC
2016-06 SESN2/sestrin2 suppresses sepsis by inducing mitophagy and inhibiting NLRP3 activation in macrophages. AUTOPHAGY
2016-06 Pore dilatation increases the bicarbonate permeability of CFTR, ANO1 and glycine receptor anion channels JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON
2016-06 Mutations in SLC26A1 Cause Nephrolithiasis AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS
2016-04 Pilot Study of a Next-Generation Sequencing-Based Targeted Anticancer Therapy in Refractory Solid Tumors at a Korean Institution PLOS ONE
2016-04 HLA-C*01 is a Risk Factor for Crohn's Disease. INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES
2016-04 The HSP70 co-chaperone DNAJC14 targets misfolded pendrin for unconventional protein secretion NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2016-03 Benefit of Adjuvant Chemotherapy After Curative Resection of Lung Metastasis in Colorectal Cancer ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY
2016-03 Next-generation sequencing reveals somatic mutations that confer exceptional response to everolimus ONCOTARGET
2016-03 Pharmacogenetic analysis of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients treated with first-line paclitaxel and carboplatin chemotherapy PHARMACOGENETICS AND GENOMICS
2016-01 Clinical and Pathological Heterogeneity of Korean Patients with CAPN3 Mutations YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2015-12 Novel COCH p.V123E Mutation, Causative of DFNA9 Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Vestibular Disorder, Shows Impaired Cochlin Post-Translational Cleavage and Secretion HUMAN MUTATION
2015-11 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors facilitate ANO6 (TMEM16F) current activation and phosphatidylserine exposure PFLUGERS ARCHIV-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY
2015-11 A Novel BEST1 Mutation in Autosomal Recessive Bestrophinopathy INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE
2015-11 The full repertoire of Drosophila gustatory receptors for detecting an aversive compound NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2015-10 Benzopyrimido-pyrrolo-oxazine-dione (R)-BPO-27 Inhibits CFTR Chloride Channel Gating by Competition with ATP MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY
2015-08 Analysis of conventional and unconventional trafficking of CFTR and other membrane proteins. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
2015-06 Non-syndromic hearing loss caused by the dominant cis mutation R75Q with the recessive mutation V37I of the GJB2 (Connexin 26) gene EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE (Korean journal of biochemistry)
2015-06 Identification of a Novel p.Q1772X ANK1 Mutation in a Korean Family with Hereditary Spherocytosis PLOS ONE
2015-06 GWAS identifies two susceptibility loci for lamotrigine-induced skin rash in patients with epilepsy EPILEPSY RESEARCH
2015-06 Proprotein Convertase 5/6A Is Associated with Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2-Induced Squamous Cell Differentiation AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
2015-06 Targeted next-generation sequencing for the genetic diagnosis of dysferlinopathy NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS
2015-05 Genetic testing of korean familial hypercholesterolemia using whole-exome sequencing PLOS ONE
2015-03 microDuMIP: target-enrichment technique for microarray-based duplex molecular inversion probes NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH
2015-02 Phase II Clinical and Exploratory Biomarker Study of Dacomitinib in Patients with Recurrent and/or Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
2015-01 Regulation of phagocytosis and cytokine secretion by store-operated calcium entry in primary isolated murine microglia CELLULAR SIGNALLING
2014-12 Does calmodulin regulate the bicarbonate permeability of ANO1/TMEM16A or not? JOURNAL OF GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY
2014-07 Mechanisms of CFTR Functional Variants That Impair Regulated Bicarbonate Permeation and Increase Risk for Pancreatitis but Not for Cystic Fibrosis PLOS GENETICS
2014-06 Role of calcium signaling in epithelial bicarbonate secretion CELL CALCIUM
2014-04 Shank2 mutant mice display a hypersecretory response to cholera toxin JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON
2014-04 Na+/H+ Exchanger Regulatory Factor 3 Is Critical for Multidrug Resistance Protein 4-Mediated Drug Efflux in the Kidney JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY
2014-02 Identification of somatic mutations in EGFR/KRAS/ALK-negative lung adenocarcinoma in never-smokers GENOME MEDICINE
2014-01 A newly discovered LGI1 mutation in Korean family with autosomal dominant lateral temporal lobe epilepsy SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY
2013-12 Genetic Variations of ABCC2 Gene Associated with Adverse Drug Reactions to Valproic Acid in Korean Epileptic Patients Genomics & Informatics
2013-12 Combined effects of an antioxidant and caspase inhibitor on the reversal of hepatic fibrosis in rats APOPTOSIS
2013-08 WNK4 inhibits plasma membrane targeting of NCC through regulation of syntaxin13 SNARE formation. CELLULAR SIGNALLING
2013-06 Association of genetic variation in chitotriosidase is associated with atopy in Korean children ANNALS OF ALLERGY ASTHMA & IMMUNOLOGY
2013-05 Proximal Dominant Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy With Proximal Dominance Association With Mutation in the TRK-Fused Gene JAMA NEUROLOGY