논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-09 Effect of microphysics scheme and data assimilation on hydrometeor and radiative flux simulations in the Arctic Royal Society Open Science
2024-04 Effect of Meteorological Data Assimilation on Regional Air Quality Forecasts over the Korean Peninsula Journal of Meteorological Research
2024-02 Chemical Data Assimilation With Aqueous Chemistry in WRF‐Chem Coupled With WRFDA (V4.4.1) Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
2024-02 Efect of atmospheric conditions and VPRM parameters on high‑resolution regional CO2 simulations over East Asia Theorectical and Applied Climatology
2024-02 Design of buoy observation network over the Arctic Ocean Cold Regions Science and Technology
2023-12 Evaluation of observation impact on the meteorological forecasts associated with heat wave in 2018 over East Asia using observing system experiments Heliyon
2023-06 Effect of meteorological data assimilation using 3DVAR on high-resolution simulations of atmospheric CO2 concentrations in East Asia Atmospheric Pollution Research
2023-04 AsiaPEX: Challenges and Prospects in Asian Precipitation Research Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2022-12 Deep learning for downward longwave radiative flux forecasts in the Arctic Expert Systems with Applications
2022-07 Effect of data assimilation in the Polar WRF with 3DVAR on the prediction of radiation, heat flux, cloud, and near surface atmospheric variables over Svalbard ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2022-05 Development of East Asia Regional Reanalysis based on advanced hybrid gain data assimilation method and evaluation with E3DVAR, ERA-5, and ERA-Interim reanalysis EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA
2022-02 Effect of assimilating CO2 observations in the Korean Peninsula on the inverse modeling to estimate surface CO2 flux over Asia PLOS ONE
2021-07 Effect of Boundary Conditions on Adjoint-Based Forecast Sensitivity Observation Impact in a Regional Model JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY
2021-02 A comparison of variational, ensemble-based, and hybrid data assimilation methods over East Asia for two one-month periods ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2020-04 Design and evaluation of CO2 observation network to optimize surface CO2 fluxes in Asia using observation system simulation experiments ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2019-11 Evaluation of wind forecasts over Svalbard using the high-resolution Polar WRF with 3DVAR ARCTIC ANTARCTIC AND ALPINE RESEARCH
2019-08 Development and Evaluation of an Ensemble-based Data Assimilation System for Regional Reanalysis over the Tibetan Plateau and Surrounding Regions JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMS
2019-08 Forecast sensitivity observation impact in the 4DVAR and Hybrid-4DVAR data assimilation systems JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY
2019-04 Effect of hydrometeor species on very-short-range simulations of precipitation using ERA5 ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH
2019-02 Evaluation of short-range precipitation reforecasts from East Asia Regional Reanalysis JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY
2018-11 Effects of Resolution, Cumulus Parameterization Scheme, and Probability Forecasting on Precipitation Forecasts in a High-Resolution Limited-Area Ensemble Prediction System ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2018-10 Effect of observation error variance adjustment on numerical weather prediction using forecast sensitivity to error covariance parameters TELLUS SERIES A-DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY
2018-09 Effect of assimilating Himawari-8 atmospheric motion vectors on forecast errors over East Asia JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY
2018-06 인버스 모델링을 이용한 지표면 이산화탄소 플럭스 추정 향상을 위한 항공기 관측 이산화탄소 자료동화 체계 개발 대기
2018-06 공군 현업 수치예보를 위한 삼차원 변분 자료동화 체계 개발 연구 한국군사과학기술학회지
2018-02 Effect of Data Assimilation Parameters on The Optimized Surface CO2 flux in Asia ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2017-10 Evaluation of a Regional Reanalysis and ERA-Interim over East Asia Using In Situ Observations during 2013?14 JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY
2017-05 Effect of Considering Sub-Grid Scale Uncertainties on the Forecasts of a High-Resolution Limited Area Ensemble Prediction System PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS
2017-04 Effect of Enhanced Satellite-Derived Atmospheric Motion Vectors on Numerical Weather Prediction in East Asia Using an Adjoint-Based Observation Impact Method WEATHER AND FORECASTING
2017-03 수반 모델에 기반한 관측영향 진단법을 이용하여 동아시아 지역의 단기예보에 AMSU-A 자료 동화가 미치는 영향 분석 대기
2017-02 Impact of Siberian observations on the optimization of surface CO2 flux ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2016-09 인버스 모델링 방법을 통해 추정된 대기 중 이산화탄소 농도와 항공 관측 자료 비교 대기
2015-03 기상청 고해상도 국지 앙상블 예측 시스템 구축 및 성능 검증 대기
2014-12 Influence of CO2 observations on the optimized CO2 flux in an ensemble Kalman filter ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
2014-12 Effect of Observation Network Design on Meteorological Forecasts of Asian Dust Events MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW
2014-11 Sampling error of observation impact statistics TELLUS SERIES A-DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY
2014-06 Characteristics of Initial Perturbations in the Ensemble Prediction System of the Korea Meteorological Administration WEATHER AND FORECASTING
2014-05 The effect of optimization and the nesting domain on carbon flux analyses in Asia using a carbon tracking system based on the ensemble Kalman filter ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2013-11 Adjoint-derived observation impact using WRF in the western North Pacific MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW
2013-10 Statistical adjoint sensitivity distributions of meteorological forecast errors of Asian dust transport events in Korea TELLUS SERIES B-CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL METEOROLOGY
2013-09 Effect of Doubling the Ensemble Size on the Performance of Ensemble Prediction in the Warm Season Using MOGREPS Implemented at the KMA ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2013-06 한반도에 발생한 위험 기상 사례에 대한 관측 민감도 분석 대기
2013-05 Statistical distributions of singular vectors for tropical cyclones affecting Korea over a 10-year period METEOROLOGY AND ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS
2012-12 앙상블 칼만 필터 기반 탄소추적시스템의 아시아 지역 탄소 순환 진단에의 적용 대기
2012-01 Effect of targeted dropsonde observations and best track data on the track forecasts of Typhoon Sinlaku (2008) using an ensemble Kalman filter TELLUS SERIES A-DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY
2011-10 Real-Time Adaptive Observation Guidance Using Singular Vectors for Typhoon Jangmi (200815) in T-PARC 2008 WEATHER AND FORECASTING
2011-06 통합모델의 초기 자료에 대한 예측 민감도 산출 도구 개발 대기
2011-03 Characteristics of adjoint sensitivity to potential vorticity METEOROLOGY AND ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS
2011-02 The impact of model uncertainties on analyzed data in a global data assimilation system TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES
2010-12 2007년 5월 6-8일 황사 현상의 예측 민감도 분석 대기
2010-09 앙상블 칼만 필터를 이용한 태풍 우쿵 (200610) 예측과 앙상블 민감도 분석 대기
2010-08 Observation System Experiments for Typhoon Jangmi (200815) Observed During T-PARC ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2009-08 Moist adjoint-based forecast sensitivities for a heavy snowfall event over the Korean Peninsula on 4-5 March 2004 Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
2009-02 Influence of Moist Physics and Norms on Singular Vectors for a Tropical Cyclone Monthly Weather Review
2009-02 Singular Vector Structure and Evolution of a Recurving Tropical Cyclone Monthly Weather Review
2008-11 Application of adjoint-based forecast sensitivities to Asian dust transport events in Korea Water Air And Soil Pollution
2008-08 Adaptive observation guidance applied to Typhoon Rusa: Implications for THORPEX-PARC 2008 Asia-Pacific Journal Of Atmospheric Sciences
2006-11 Adjoint-based forecast sensitivities of Typhoon Rusa GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2004-12 Potential vorticity thinking as an aid to understanding midlatitude weather systems JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY
2004-04 Evolution of analysis error and adjoint-based sensitivities: Implications for adaptive observations JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2003-12 A computation of adjoint-based sensitivities in a quasigeostrophic model KOREAN JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2002-11 Dependence of singular vector structure and evolution on the choice of norm JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
1995-06 A case study on the characteristics of TSP concentrations and yellow sand phenomena in Seoul 한국대기환경학회지