논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2023-12 Incidence of intraoperative hypotension in older patients undergoing total intravenous anesthesia by remimazolam versus propofol: A randomized controlled trial Medicine
2023-07 Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors increase the risk of bullous pemphigoid in older patients with diabetes: A retrospective analysis using the Korean National Health Insurance Database JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY
2020-09 Overexpressed p32 localized in the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria negatively regulates calcium-dependent endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS
2020-08 The efficacy of intramuscular ephedrine in preventing hemodynamic perturbations in patients with spinal anesthesia and dexmedetomidine sedation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES
2020-05 Pulmonary embolism identified prior to anesthesia induction in a low-risk patient case reports international
2020-02 Complications of fluid overload during hysteroscopic surgery: cardiomyopathy and epistaxis - A case report - Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2019-06 Arginase II activity regulates cytosolic Ca2+ level in a p32-dependent manner that contributes to Ca2+-dependent vasoconstriction in native low-density lipoprotein-stimulated vascular smooth muscle cells EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE
2019-05 Resveratrol is an arginase inhibitor contributing to vascular smooth muscle cell vasoconstriction via increasing cytosolic calcium MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS
2018-09 Arginase II Contributes to the Ca2+/CaMKII/eNOS Axis by Regulating Ca2+ Concentration Between the Cytosol and Mitochondria in a p32-Dependent Manner JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION
2018-07 Suspected abdominal compartment syndrome during endoscopic diskectomy - A case report - Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2018-05 Arginase Inhibition Suppresses Native Low-Density Lipoprotein-Stimulated Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation by NADPH Oxidase Inactivation YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2018-04 Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) with Severe Cardiomyopathy Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences
2018-01 Intraoral kinking of an endotracheal tube during position case reports international
2017-10 Effects of Combined Rocuronium and Cisatracurium in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Journal of Lifestyle Medicine
2017-06 Wound Healing Effect of Slightly Acidic Electrolyzed Water on Cutaneous Wounds in Hairless Mice via Immune-Redox Modulation BIOLOGICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN
2016-11 Arginase inhibition restores peroxynitrite-induced endothelial dysfunction via L-arginine-dependent endothelial nitric oxide synthase phosphorylation YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2016-10 Hemisphere cerebral infarction after total laparoscopic hysterectomy in the Trendelenburg position -A case report- Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2016-09 Transient Oliguria during Anesthesia in Cerebral Salt Wasting Syndrome Journal of Lifestyle Medicine
2016-08 Hysterectomy due to abnormal Uterine Bleeding in a 15-year old Girl with Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome Journal of Lifestyle Medicine
2016-08 Perforation of esophagus and subsequent mediastinitis following mussel shell ingestion JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE
2015-10 Clinical performance comparison of I-gel insertion by anesthesiology residents versus novice clinicians Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2015-03 Suspected Anaphylactic Reaction Prior to Induction of Anesthesia Journal of Lifestyle Medicine
2015-03 Difficult Intubation in Pediatric Patient with a Large Lymphangioma at the Tongue Base Journal of Lifestyle Medicine
2014-04 Korean Red Ginseng Water Extract Restores Impaired Endothelial Function by Inhibiting Arginase Activity in Aged Mice KOREAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY
2014-01 Effects of Seasonal Differences in Testosterone and Cortisol Levels on Pain Responses Under Resting and Anxiety Conditions YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2013-10 A failure of internal jugular vein catheterization caused by the internal jugular vein occlusion Korean Journal of Anesthesiology
2013-06 Change of respiratory mechanics at different intra-abdominal pressures and position change during laparoscopic surgery Korean Journal of Anesthesiology
2013-02 The effects of desflurane and sevoflurane on the intraocular pressure associated with endotracheal intubation in pediatric ophthalmic surgery Korean Journal of Anesthesiology
2013-01 Ankle-brachial blood pressure differences before and during anesthesia Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2012-11 Thyroid storm during induction of anesthesia Korean Journal of Anesthesiology
2012-10 운동신경만 침범한 대상포진 후 운동마비 Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2011-11 A comparison of the influence of 2.7% sorbitol-0.54% mannitol and 5% glucose irrigating fluids on plasma serum physiology during hysteroscopic procedures Korean Journal of Anesthesiology
2011-10 HZE (56)Fe-Ion Irradiation Induces Endothelial Dysfunction in Rat Aorta: Role of Xanthine Oxidase RADIATION RESEARCH
2011-07 Endothelial arginase II and atherosclerosis Korean Journal of Anesthesiology
2011-06 Arginase Inhibition by Ethylacetate Extract of Caesalpinia sappan Lignum Contributes to Activation of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase KOREAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY
2011-05 Native Low-Density Lipoprotein-Dependent Interleukin-8 Production Through Pertussis Toxin-Sensitive G-Protein Coupled Receptors and Hydrogen Peroxide Generation Contributes to Migration of Human Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2011-01 Desflurane 마취 후 발생한 급성 간 기능 장애 Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2010-07 약물 용출성 스텐트를 삽입한 환자의 수술 전 항혈전제 교체과정에서 발생한 스텐트 내 혈전증 Anesthesia And Pain Medicine
2010-05 Dietary inhibition of xanthine oxidase attenuates radiation-induced endothelial dysfunction in rat aorta Journal Of Applied Physiology
2010-03 Sress-induced cardiomyopathy after general anesthesia for total gastrectomy Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology(대한마취과학회지)
2009-11 Native low-density lipoprotein-induced superoxide anion contributes to proliferation of human aortic smooth muscle cells Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology(대한마취과학회지)
2009-11 수축제로 전수축된 백서 대동맥에서 Milrinone의 혈관이완 효과 Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology(대한마취과학회지)
2009-08 Sevoflurane 마취 후 발생한 급성 간 기능 장애 ―증례보고― Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology(대한마취과학회지)
2008-11 Impaired but reversible vascular reactivity in a rat model of microgravity 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
2008-01 Doxapram Hydrochloride가 Desflurane 마취 후 각성과 Bispectral(BIS) Index에 미치는 영향 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
2008-01 Endothelial arginase II - A novel target for the treatment of atherosclerosis Circulation Research
2007-12 Mitochondrial arginase II constrains endothelial NOS-3 activity AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-HEART AND CIRCULATORY PHYSIOLOGY
2007-10 BIS 감시하에서 Propofol과 Remifentanil을 이용한 전정맥마취와 Sevoflurane과 Remifentanil을 이용한 균형흡입마취가 술 후 회복에 미치는 영향 Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2007-08 생쥐(Mice)에서 하지무부하가 심혈관계 기능에 미치는 영향 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
2007-06 Single exposure gamma-irradiation amplifies xanthine oxidase activity and induces endothelial dysfunction in rat aorta RADIATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL BIOPHYSICS
2007-02 Bupivacaine Induced Cardiac Toxicity Mimicking and Acute Non-ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2007-02 부위마취 시 Alprazolam에 의한 수술 전 스트레스 반응의 감소 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
2007-01 Inducible NO synthase-dependent S-nitrosylation and activation of arginase1 contribute to age-related endothelial dysfunction CIRCULATION RESEARCH
2006-11 Impaired shear stress-induced nitric oxide production throuth decreased NOS phosphorylation contributes to age-related vascular stiffness JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY
2006-10 백서에서 심폐우회로 후 Nitric Oxide에 대한 대동맥의 반응 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
2006-06 대상포진 환자에서 성상신경절 차단술 병용의 효과 대한피부과학회지
2006-06 비디오 흉강경을 이용한 흉부교감신경 절제술 후 늑막강내차단과 척추주위차단의 효과 비교 대한마취과학회지
2005-12 The effect of pretreatment with thiopental on reducing pain induced by rocuronium injection YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2005-12 우측 흉강내 음압을 이용한 호흡 보조장치 개발 및 실험적 유용성 평가 대한중환자의학회지(Korean Journal Of Critical Care Medicine)
2005-10 경막외 마취 중 지연 발생한 심한 서맥 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
2005-09 심폐우회로 및 재관류 후 Nitric Oxide에 대한 폐동맥의 반응 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
2005-01 Differential protein expression patterns of thyroid tumors analyzed bby tissue microarrays : Identification of potential biomarkers 충남의대학술지
2004-08 Management of Detachment of Pilot Balloon During Intraoral Repositining of the Submental Endotracheal Tube YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2004-06 Ritodrine 투여후 발생한 주산기 심근병증으로 인한 심정지 대한산과마취과학회지
2004-06 중환자의 입실 경과에 따른 APACHE III 점수의 유용성 대한마취과학회지
2004-06 심실중격 결손과 폐동맥 고혈압이 동반된 산모의 제왕절개술을 위한 마취,관리 대한산마취과학회
2003-08 기침으로 배출되어 인지된 기관지 내의 절단된 유도자 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
2003-01 Detrusor and Blood Pessure Responses to Dorsal Penile Nerve Stimulation During Hyperreflexic Contraction of the Bladdr in Patients With Cervical Cord Injury ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION
2002-12 기관내 삽관 시 유발되는 심혈관 반응에 대한 Diltiazem과 Lidocaine의 병용효과 대한마취과학회지(koreanjournalofanesthesiology)
2002-10 경수손상인에서 배부 음경신경인에 대한 전기자극이 혈압에 미치는 영향 대한재활의학회지(Journal Of The Korean Academy Of Rehabilitation Medicine)
2001-11 The Potentiation of the Analgesic Effect of Intrathecally Coadministered Magnesium Sulphate and Bupi 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
2000-12 흉부 X-선 사진을 이용한 성인의 기관-기관지각 원주의대 논문집
2000-12 개에서 공기색전 유발 후 100% O2 및 50% O2 - 50% N2O를 사용한 폐환기가 혈역학 변화에 미치는 영향 비교 원주의대 논문집
2000-11 전폐절제술시 폐동막의 결찰이 혈역학에 미치는 영향 대한중환자의학회지(Korean Journal Of Critical Care Medicine)
2000-10 신이식술 시 발생한 폐부종 환자에 적용한 비침습적 지속성 기도양압법의 치료 효과- 증례보고- 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
1999-09 기관지식도루 수술 중 발견된 이중관 기관지 튜브에 의한 기관파열 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
1998-12 중심정맥도관 삽입 후 발생한 종격동혈종 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
1998-11 면역이적법을 이용한 아시아 조충 성충의 감별 진단 충북의대학술지
1998-11 대퇴골 골절 수술후 지연 발생한 폐색전증 대한중환자의학회지(Korean Journal Of Critical Care Medicine)
1998-10 폐포 단백증 환자의 관관폐 세척시 마취관리 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
1998-09 이중관 기관지튜브 삽관후 발생한 인후통 및 애성의발생빈도에 대한 고찰 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
1998-09 술전 흉부 X-선 사진을 이용한 좌측 이중관 기관지 튜브의 삽관 깊이 예측 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
1998-02 고양이에서 GALACTOSAMINE에 의한 급성간부전이MIVACURIUM의 근이완 작용에 미치는 영향 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
1998-02 개흉술후 통증관리를 위한 흉부경막외강 Morphine-Bupivacaine의 지속적 주입의 효과 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
1998-01 일측폐 환기시 고빈도제트 환기와 호기말양압이 동맥혈 산소화에 미치는 효과 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
1997-11 SUCCINYLCHOLINE 정주후 발생한 심정지-증례보고- 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
1997-10 심장판막대치술시 저온결정성 심정지액과 상온혈성 심정지액의 수술후 회복의 비교 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
1997-01 폐동맥 고혈압을 동반한 심방.실 중격 결손증과 승모판막증 환자에서의 수술 전후 폐혈역학적 비교 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
1997-01 기관내삽관후 흉부 X-선 촬영을 통한 기관내관의 이상위치 빈도와 이에 영향을 주는 요인 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
1996-11 유.소아에서 체외순환 전후의 요골. 대퇴동맥압간의차이의 변화 비교 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
1996-06 희귀혈액형을 가진 복강내 출혈 쇽 환자의 마취경험 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)
1996-02 폐동맥고혈압 환자에서 Amrinone이 전신 및 폐순환에 미치는 영향 대한마취과학회지(Korean Journal Of Anesthesiology)