논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-05 Synergistic electronic structure modulation in single-atomic Ni sites dispersed on Ni nanoparticles encapsulated in N-rich carbon nanotubes synthesized at low temperature for efficient CO2 electrolysis Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy
2024-04 A natural molecule-driven organometallic conformal overlayer for high efficiency photoelectrochemical water splitting Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
2024-03 Synthesis of RhH-doped Au–Ag alloy nanoclusters and dopant evolution Nanoscale
2024-02 Enantio- and diastereoselective conjugate addition of pyridyl alkyl ketones to enones by Cu(<sc>ii</sc>)-Lewis acid/Brønsted base catalysis ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS
2023-11 Electron donor–acceptor type delayed fluorescence emitters with inverted singlet and triplet excited states Chemical Engineering Journal
2023-11 Bending behavior of the cysteinyl bolaamphiphile nanobelt assembly induced by the anisotropic disulfide bond formation Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
2023-10 Density-Corrected Density Functional Theory for Open Shells: How to Deal with Spin Contamination The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
2023-09 Advanced interfacial phase change material: Structurally confined and interfacially extended superlattice Materials Today
2023-08 Superatom-in-Superatom Nanoclusters: Synthesis, Structure, and Photoluminescence Angewandte Chemie International Edition
2023-02 Extending density functional theory with near chemical accuracy beyond pure water Nature communications
2023-01 Phospholipid-based nanodrill technology for enhanced intracellular delivery of nano-sized cargos Smart Materials in Medicine
2022-12 Conversion between Metavalent and Covalent Bond in Metastable Superlattices Composed of 2D and 3D Sublayers ACS Nano
2022-11 High-Voltage Symmetric Nonaqueous Redox Flow Battery Based on Modularly Tunable [Ru2M(?3-O)(CH3CO2)6(py)3] (M = Ru, Mn, Co, Ni, Zn) Cluster Compounds with Multielectron Storage Capability ACS MATERIALS LETTERS
2022-08 Pyrrolic N-Stabilized Monovalent Ni Single-Atom Electrocatalyst for Efficient CO<inf>2</inf> Reduction: Identifying the Role of Pyrrolic–N and Synergistic Electrocatalysis Advanced Functional Materials
2022-04 Improving Results by Improving Densities: Density-Corrected Density Functional Theory JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
2022-04 Soft-wall ion transfer channel accurately predicts sterically hindered ion channel permeability BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
2022-03 Thermal extinction and image misregistration on metallic nanowire arrays Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
2022-03 Excited state charge transfer promoted Raman enhancement of copper phthalocyanine by twisted bilayer graphenes CARBON
2022-02 Density-Corrected DFT Explained: Questions and Answers JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION
2021-10 Ultrafast Carrier-Lattice Interactions and Interlayer Modulations of Bi2Se3 by X-ray Free-Electron Laser Diffraction NANO LETTERS
2021-10 Superatom-in-Superatom [RhH@Ag24(SPhMe2)18]2- Nanocluster ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION
2021-03 KS-pies: Kohn–Sham inversion toolkit JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2021-03 Explaining and Fixing DFT Failures for Torsional Barriers JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
2021-01 Density Sensitivity of Empirical Functionals JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
2020-11 Characterization of surface plasmon resonance detection based on the colocalization effect inside metallic nanogap Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
2020-08 Measuring Density-Driven Errors Using Kohn–Sham Inversion JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION
2020-06 Modulation of the photoelectrochemical behavior of Au nanocluster–TiO2 electrode by doping CHEMICAL SCIENCE
2019-12 Density Functional Analysis: The Theory of Density-Corrected DFT JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION
2019-07 Conformational Heterogeneity in Large Macrocyclic Thiophenes JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
2019-02 Thermal properties and extinction of a wire-grid polarizer Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
2019-02 Understanding DFT Calculations of Weak Interactions: Density-Corrected Density Functional Theory Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
2019-01 Halogen and Chalcogen Binding Dominated by Density-Driven Errors JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
2018-11 Quantifying Density Errors in DFT JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
2018-10 Microscale heat transfer and thermal extinction of a wire-grid polarizer SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2018-05 Benchmarks and Reliable DFT Results for Spin Gaps of Small Ligand Fe(II) Complexes JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION
2018-05 Investigation and Control of Single Molecular Structures of meso-meso Linked Long Porphyrin Arrays JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
2018-04 Fluorometric detection of nitroaromatics by fluorescent lead complexes: A spectroscopic assessment of detection mechanism SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY
2018-02 Ion Specificity on Electric Energy Generated by Flowing Water Droplets ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION
2017-11 Effect of Nanogap-Based Light-Matter Colocalization on the Surface Plasmon Resonance Detection JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY
2017-08 Identification of Droplet-Flow-Induced Electric Energy on Electrolyte-Insulator-Semiconductor Structure JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
2017-05 The Importance of Being Inconsistent ANNUAL REVIEW OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY
2017-04 Blazed wire-grid polarizer for plasmon-enhanced polarization extinction: design and analysis OPTICS EXPRESS
2017-04 Interior-filled self-assemblies of tyrosyl bolaamphiphiles regulated by hydrogen bonds PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2017-04 Composition-Dependent Hot Carrier Relaxation Dynamics in Cesium Lead Halide (CsPbX3, X=Br and I) Perovskite Nanocrystals ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION
2016-08 Computation of Electron Delocalization for Extended Cyclic Conjugated Molecules AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY
2016-06 Pore dilatation increases the bicarbonate permeability of CFTR, ANO1 and glycine receptor anion channels JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON
2016-02 Direct observation of structural properties and fluorescent trapping sites in macrocyclic porphyrin arrays at the single-molecule level PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2015-11 The Role of Linkers in the Excited-State Dynamic Planarization Processes of Macrocyclic Oligothiophene 12-Mers JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
2015-10 Improved DFT Potential Energy Surfaces via Improved Densities JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
2015-10 Excited-state dynamic planarization of cyclic oligothiophenes in the vicinity of a ring-to-linear excitonic behavioral turning point ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION
2015-08 Evaluation of photoluminescence quenching for assessing the binding of nitroaromatic compounds to a tyrosyl bolaamphiphile self-assembly ANALYST
2015-05 Self-Rolled Nanotubes with Controlled Hollow Interiors by Patterned Grafts SOFT MATTER
2014-05 Ions in solution: Density corrected density functional theory (DC-DFT) JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2013-08 Understanding and Reducing Errors in Density Functional Calculations PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
2013-06 Formation of Rigid Organic Nanotubes with Controlled Internal Cavity Based on Frustrated Aggregate Internal Rearrangement Mechanism JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
2012-05 Surface Graft Configuration Dependency of the Morphologies of Heterosurface Sheet Polymers JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
2012-03 Nonmonotonic Size-Dependent Carrier Mobility in PbSe Nanocrystal Arrays JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
2012-02 Formation of Tubular Scrolls with Controlled Internal Cavity JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
2011-05 Communication: Avoiding unbound anions in density functional calculations JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2011-05 Influence of the block hydrophilicity of AB2 miktoarm star copolymers on cluster formation in solutions JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2011-05 Ultrathin Zirconium Disulfide Nanodiscs JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
2010-12 Pathway analysis on DNA charge transfer through adenine and guanine bridges JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
2010-02 Momentum mismatch for improved plasmon enhanced total internal reflection fluorescence imaging Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
2010-01 Degree of Coherence of Single-Component Molecular Wires: Dependence on Length, Coupling Strength, and Dissipative Medium JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
2009-12 Reversible transformation of helical coils and straight rods in cylindrical assembly of elliptical macrocycles JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
2009-12 Plasmon-enhanced total-internal-reflection fluorescence by momentum-mismatched surface nanostructures Optics Letters
2009-11 Distance-dependent charge transfer mechanism in adenine bridging DNA sequences Current Applied Physics
2009-04 Local Structure Invariant Potential for InxGa1-xAs Semiconductor Alloys Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
2008-12 Biased Helical Folding of Chiral Oligoindole Foldamers Organic Letters
2008-11 Stepped Strips from Self-Organization of Oligo(p-phenylene) Rods with Lateral Dendritic Chains JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
2008-10 Density Functional Study on the C-H Bond Cleavage of Aldimine by a Rhodium(I) Catalyst Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
2008-06 Coherence length determination of meso-meso linked porphyrin arrays based on forward-backward pair trajectory analysis Journal Of Physical Chemistry A
2008-04 Folding of coordination polymers into double-stranded helical organization CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL
2008-03 Distance dependent coherence variation in DNA charge-transfer processes JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
2008-03 Segmented coupled-wave analysis of a curved wire-grid polarizer Journal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision
2008-01 Monte Carlo study of coherent diffuse photon transport in a homogeneous turbid medium: a degree-of-coherence based approach Applied Optics
2007-04 Environment dependent coherence of a short DNA charge transfer system BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
2006-08 Analysis of bridge-mediated pathways for long-range charge transfer systems JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
2006-07 Characterization of quantum dynamically significant paths of bridge-mediated charge transfer systems JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
2006-01 Environmental effect on the relative contribution of the charge-transfer mechanisms within a short DNA sequence JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
2005-10 Excitation energy transfer rate constants in meso-meso linked Zn(II) porphyrin arrays with energy accepting 5,15-bisphenylethynylated Zn(II) porphyrin BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
2005-06 Effect of the donor-bridge energy gap on the electron-transfer mechanism in donor-bridge-acceptor systems JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
2005-06 Effect of conformational heterogeneity on excitation energy transfer efficiency in directly meso - Meso linked Zn(II) porphyrin arrays JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
2005-05 Parametrization of an anharmonic Kirkwood-Keating potential for AlxGa1-xAs alloys JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2004-12 Determination of the electron transfer mechanism through decomposition of the density matrix JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
2003-05 Testing the kinetic energy functional: Kinetic energy density as a density functional JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2003-01 Effects of grating wall profile on finite aperture polarisation filter ELECTRONICS LETTERS
2002-08 A new semiempirical approach to study ground and excited states of metal complexes in biological systems JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
2001-09 Quantum dynamics for a system coupled to slow baths: On-the-fly filtered propagator method JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2001-05 Supercooling in a two-dimensional Lennard-Jones mixture JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2001-05 On the Bayesian approach to calculating time correlation functions in quantum systems: Reaction dynamics and spectroscopy CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2001-03 Quantum rate constants from short time dynamics: An analytic continuation approach JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A
2001-01 Quantum time correlation functions from complex time Monte Carlo simulations: A maximum entropy approach JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
1999-10 Molecular dipole chains II JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B
1999-04 Atomic glasses: Rearrangement processes JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS