논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-11 Toward comprehensive and effective palmprint reconstruction attack Pattern Recognition
2024-08 Video-based face outline recognition Pattern Recognition
2024-06 CoreTemp: Coreset Sampled Templates for Multimodal Mobile Biometrics APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
2024-06 Cancellable biometrics based on the index-of-maximum hashing with random sparse binary encoding Multimedia Tools and Applications
2024-06 On the security risk of pre-image attack on cancelable biometrics Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences
2024-04 CROSS-DOMAIN CROSS-TASK TRANSFER MOBILE TOUCH-STROKE AUTHENTICATION ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings
2024-04 Enhanced Multitask Learning for Hash Code Generation of Palmprint Biometrics International Journal of Neural Systems
2024-03 Periocular embedding learning with consistent knowledge distillation from face Neurocomputing
2024-02 A Realistic Hand Image Composition Method for Palmprint ROI Embedding Attack Applied Sciences-basel
2024-02 Self-Attentive Contrastive Learning for Conditioned Periocular and Face Biometrics IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
2024-02 Guest Editorial: Special issue on advances in representation learning for computer vision CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology
2024-01 Understanding open-set recognition by Jacobian norm and inter-class separation Pattern Recognition
2023-12 Minimum Assumption Reconstruction Attacks: Rise of Security and Privacy Threats Against Face Recognition Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2023-12 Deep fidelity in DNN watermarking: A study of backdoor watermarking for classification models Pattern Recognition
2023-10 Nearest Neighbor Guidance for Out-of-Distribution Detection Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
2023-10 Towards Query Efficient and Generalizable Black-Box Face Reconstruction Attack Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP
2023-08 Comprehensive Competition Mechanism in Palmprint Recognition IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
2023-08 On the Representation Learning of Conditional Biometrics for Flexible Deployment IEEE Access
2023-06 Recognizability Embedding Enhancement for Very Low-Resolution Face Recognition and Quality Estimation Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
2023-03 Face-Periocular Cross-Identification via Contrastive Hybrid Attention Vision Transformer IEEE Signal Processing Letters
2023-03 3D-C2FT: Coarse-to-Fine Transformer for Multi-view 3D Reconstruction Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
2023-03 Cross-database attack of different coding-based palmprint templates Knowledge-Based Systems
2023-02 Reconstruct face from features based on genetic algorithm using GAN generator as a distribution constraint Computers and Security
2023-01 A Review of Abnormal Behavior Detection in Activities of Daily Living IEEE Access
2023-01 AVET: A Novel Transform Function to Improve Cancellable Biometrics Security IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
2023-01 Adaptive 1-dimensional time invariant learning for inertial sensor-based gait authentication (Sept, 10.1007/s00521-022-07741-0, 2022) NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS
2022-12 RawFormer: An Efficient Vision Transformer for Low-Light RAW Image Enhancement IEEE Signal Processing Letters
2022-12 Co-Learning to Hash Palm Biometrics for Flexible IoT Deployment IEEE Internet of Things Journal
2022-11 Deep rank hashing network for cancellable face identification Pattern Recognition
2022-10 Few-Shot Continuous Authentication for Mobile-Based Biometrics Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
2022-08 An Implicit Identity-Extended Data Augmentation for Low-Resolution Face Representation Learning IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
2022-03 Robust sclera recognition based on a local spherical structure EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
2022-02 A Pipeline Approach to Context-Aware Handwritten Text Recognition APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
2022-02 Multimodal Biometric Template Protection Based on a Cancelable SoftmaxOut Fusion Network APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
2022-01 Fuzzy MP - A Fuzzy Digital Signature Scheme with Biometrics Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST
2022-01 Divergent Angular Representation for Open Set Image Recognition IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING
2021-12 In-air hand gesture signature using transfer learning and its forgery attack APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING
2021-09 Towards Generating High Definition Face Images from Deep Templates Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI)
2021-09 A Tokenless Cancellable Scheme for Multimodal Biometric Systems COMPUTERS & SECURITY
2021-07 Learning Age From Gait: A Survey IEEE Access
2021-06 Towards End-to-End Synthetic Speech Detection IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS
2021-05 Revisiting improvedgan with metric learning for semi-supervised learning Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition
2021-05 Discriminative multi-level reconstruction under compact latent space for one-class novelty detection Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition
2021-05 Softmaxout transformation-permutation network for facial template protection Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition
2021-01 MIND-Net: A Deep Mutual Information Distillation Network for Realistic Low-Resolution Face Recognition IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS
2021-01 Secure Secret Sharing Enabled b-band Mini Vaults Bio-Cryptosystem for Vectorial Biometrics IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING
2020-12 Palmprint False Acceptance Attack with a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
2020-12 Stacking-Based Deep Neural Network: Deep Analytic Network for Pattern Classification IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS
2020-08 Periocular Recognition in the Wild With Generalized Label Smoothing Regularization IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS
2020-07 Special Issue on Advanced Biometrics with Deep Learning APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
2020-07 Bit-string representation of a fingerprint image by normalized local structures PATTERN RECOGNITION
2020-07 Open-set face identification with index-of-max hashing by learning PATTERN RECOGNITION
2020-06 Periocular recognition in the wild with learned label smoothing regularization Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
2020-05 Palmprint template protection scheme based on randomized cuckoo hashing and MinHash MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS
2020-04 Online Heterogeneous Face Recognition Based on Total-Error-Rate Minimization IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS
2019-10 Symmetric Keyring Encryption Scheme for Biometric Cryptosystem INFORMATION SCIENCES
2019-07 Periocular Recognition in the Wild: Implementation of RGB-OCLBCP Dual-stream CNN APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
2019-07 Touch-Stroke Dynamics Authentication Using Temporal Regression Forest IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS
2019-07 Cancelable fingerprint template design with randomized non-negative least squares PATTERN RECOGNITION
2019-03 In-air hand gesture signature recognition system based on 3-dimensional imagery MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS
2019-02 Feature Fusions for 2.5D Face Recognition in Random Maxout Extreme Learning Machine APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING
2019-01 Multi-Fold Gabor, PCA and ICA Filter Convolution Descriptor for Face Recognition IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY
2018-11 Human gait recognition using localized Grassmann mean representatives with partial least squares regression MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS
2018-11 Random permutation Maxout transform for cancellable facial template protection MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS
2018-10 Discriminative Kernel-Based Metric Learning For Face Verification JOURNAL OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION AND IMAGE REPRESENTATION
2018-08 Orthogonal filter banks with region Log-TiedRank covariance matrices forface recognition JOURNAL OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION AND IMAGE REPRESENTATION
2018-07 Kernel Deep Regression Network for Touch-Stroke Dynamics Authentication IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS
2018-06 Enhanced Independent Spectral Histogram Representations in Face Recognition MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS
2018-06 An Analytic Gabor Feedforward Network for Single-Sample and Pose-Invariant Face Recognition IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING
2018-04 Sparse pseudoinverse incremental extreme learning machine NEUROCOMPUTING
2018-02 Ranking-Based Locality Sensitive Hashing-Enabled Cancelable Biometrics: Index-of-Max Hashing IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY
2018-01 Tensor manifold-based extreme learning machine for 2.5-D face recognition JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC IMAGING
2017-12 Evolutionary-modified fuzzy nearest-neighbor rule for pattern classification EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
2017-11 Stacking PCANet +: An Overly Simplified ConvNets Baseline for Face Recognition IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS
2017-10 A Gabor-based network for heterogeneous face recognition NEUROCOMPUTING
2017-06 A Grassmannian Approach to Address View Change Problem in Gait Recognition IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS
2017-04 Cancellable iris template generation based on Indexing-First-One hashing PATTERN RECOGNITION
2017-03 Simplified 2DPalmHash code for secure palmprint verification MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS
2017-03 Enhanced maximum curvature descriptors for finger vein verification MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS
2017-03 A new sparse model for traffic sign classification using soft histogram of oriented gradients APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING
2017-01 Unconstrained face verification with a dual-layer block-based metric learning MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS
2016-12 Multi-view Gait Recognition using a Doubly-Kernel Approach on the Grassmann Manifold NEUROCOMPUTING
2016-10 Generating Fixed-Length Representation From Minutiae Using Kernel Methods for Fingerprint Authentication IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS
2016-08 Biometric cryptosystems: A new biometric key binding and its implementation for fingerprint minutiae-based representation PATTERN RECOGNITION
2016-06 A survey on touch dynamics authentication in mobile devices COMPUTERS & SECURITY
2016-04 TDAS: A Touch Dynamics based Multi-Factor Authentication Solution for Mobile Devices International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications
2016-03 Kernel PCA enabled bit-string representation for minutiae-based cancellable fingerprint template PATTERN RECOGNITION
2016-03 Image-Based Handwritten Signature Verification Using Hybrid Methods of Discrete Radon Transform, Principal Component Analysis and Probabilistic Neural Network APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING
2015-12 Orientation range of transposition for vertical correlation suppression of 2DPalmPhasor Code MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS
2015-09 Biometric Feature-Type Transformation [Making templates compatible for template protection] IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE
2015-07 Alignment-free row-co-occurrence cancelable palmprint Fuzzy Vault PATTERN RECOGNITION