논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-06 Modes of responsibility in disclosing cancer genetic test results to relatives: An analysis of Swiss and Korean narrative data Patient Education and Counseling
2024-05 Prevalence and clinical implications of sarcopenia in breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis Supportive Care in Cancer
2024-03 Investing in women’s health, continuing the journey, one manuscript at a time Womens Health Nursing
2024-02 Palliative Care for Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing
2024-01 ACCESS: an empirically-based framework developed by the International Nursing CASCADE Consortium to address genomic disparities through the nursing workforce Frontiers in Genetics
2023-12 Authenticity and rizz - What do they have to do with journal editors and researchers? Korean J Women Health Nurs
2023-12 Association between Resilience, Professional Quality of Life, and Caring Behavior in Oncology Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
2023-12 Long Term Effects of a Social Capital-Based Exercise Adherence Intervention for Breast Cancer Survivors With Moderate Fatigue: A Randomized Controlled Trial INTEGRATIVE CANCER THERAPIES
2023-11 The effectiveness of a transitional care program for frail older adults between hospital and home: A randomized controlled trial Geriatric Nursing
2023-09 Acceptability and Usability of the Family Gene Toolkit for Swiss and Korean Families Harboring BRCA1/BRAC2 Pathogenic Variants: A Web-Based Platform for Cascade Genetic Testing Cancers
2023-08 Exploring the experience of health professionals who cared for patients with coronavirus infection: Hospitalised isolation and self-image JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING
2023-07 Development and psychometric properties of the social adjustment scale for youth cancer survivors in South Korea Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing
2023-07 Hematologic toxicities, sarcopenia, and body composition change in breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy Supportive Care in Cancer
2023-05 Privacy and utility of genetic testing in families with hereditary cancer syndromes living in three countries: the international cascade genetic screening experience Frontiers in Genetics
2023-04 Comparison of factors associated with postpartum depression from two cohorts of nurses: the Korea Nurses' Health Study and the Nurses' Health Study 3 Occupational and environmental medicine
2023-04 Informational needs of individuals from families harboring BRCA pathogenic variants: A systematic review and content analysis Genetics in Medicine
2023-01 Predicting Openness of Communication in Families With Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome: Natural Language Processing Analysis JMIR Formative Research
2022-12 Stepping stones for the future—2022 major developments, journal metrics, and appreciation for reviewers Korean J Women Health Nurs
2022-12 Does neoadjuvant chemotherapy regimen affect sarcopenia status in patients with breast cancer? Breast
2022-10 Depressive symptoms and menstrual distress according to the menstrual phase in nurses: the Korea Nurses' Health Study JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
2022-09 Exploring the Experiences of Nurse Managers during the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
2022-08 Body composition change during neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer Frontiers in Oncology
2022-07 Struggling to Accept the New Breast as Part of My Body" - The Challenge of Immediate Breast Reconstruction in Women With Breast Cancer CANCER NURSING
2022-06 우리나라 건강 연구를 위한 젠더변수모델 개발 및 적용 예비 연구 Korean Journal of Health Promotion
2022-04 Awareness of genetic counseling and genetic testing for hereditary gynecologic cancers among Korean healthcare providers: A survey JOURNAL OF GENETIC COUNSELING
2022-03 Comparing Disease-Specific and Generic Quality of Life in Korean Breast Cancer Survivors Using the FACT-B and QLI: The Importance of Instrument Selection INTEGRATIVE CANCER THERAPIES
2022-03 Do COVID-19-Related Treatment Changes Influence Fear of Cancer Recurrence, Anxiety, and Depression in Breast Cancer Patients? CANCER NURSING
2022-01 Quality of life and prolonged symptoms in Korean breast cancer survivors CANCER NURSING
2022-01 Does the Association Between Fatigue and Fatigue Self-management Preference Vary by Breast Cancer Stage? CANCER NURSING
2021-12 Year in review and appreciation for 2021 reviewers 여성건강간호학회지
2021-09 Mothers’ experience of caring for home-quarantined children after close contact with COVID-19 in Korea: an exploratory qualitative study 여성건강간호학회지
2021-09 Does a nurse-led postpartum self-care program for first-time mothers in Bangladesh improve postpartum fatigue, depressive mood, and maternal functioning?: a non-synchronized quasi-experimental study 여성건강간호학회지
2021-09 The association between occupational factors, depression, and health-related quality of life in military women in the Republic of Korea: a cross-sectional study HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE OUTCOMES
2021-08 Correlations among anti-Müllerian hormone levels, body mass index and lipid profile in reproductive-aged women: The Korea Nurses' Health Study Nursing Open
2021-07 Comparison of fatigue and fatigability correlates in Korean breast cancer survivors and differences in associations with anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance, and endocrine symptoms: a randomized controlled trial BMC CANCER
2021-07 Psychometric properties of the Korean version of the Pittsburgh Fatigability Scale in breast cancer survivors HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE OUTCOMES
2021-06 Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing is indexed in Scopus and stepping closer to international connectivity 여성건강간호학회지
2021-06 Using a tailored digital health intervention for family communication and cascade genetic testing in swiss and korean families with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer: Protocol for the dialogue study JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS
2021-06 Psychosocial support interventions for women with gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review 여성건강간호학회지
2021-04 Predictors of actual turnover among nurses working in Korean hospitals: A nationwide longitudinal survey study JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT
2021-04 A scoping review of return to work decision-making and experiences of breast cancer survivors in Korea SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER
2021-03 암병원 간호사의 통증관리의 지식과 태도, 수행 및 장애요인에 대한 다기관 연구 Asian Oncology Nursing
2021-03 What influences aromatase inhibitor continuation intention among breast cancer survivors? 여성건강간호학회지
2021-02 Factors Affecting Physical and Mental Fatigue among Female Hospital Nurses: The Korea Nurses' Health Study HEALTHCARE
2021-02 Nurses in advanced roles as a strategy for equitable access to healthcare in the WHO Western Pacific region: a mixed methods study HUMAN RESOURCES FOR HEALTH
2020-12 Factors associated with the decision to undergo risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy among women at high risk for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer: a systematic review 여성건강간호학회지
2020-12 Year in review and appreciation for 2020 reviewers 여성건강간호학회지
2020-11 Pre-post analysis of a social capital-based exercise adherence intervention for breast cancer survivors with moderate fatigue: a randomized controlled trial SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER
2020-09 Gender Differences in Risk Factors Influencing Unhealthy Weight Control Behaviors among Adolescents WESTERN JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH
2020-08 Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on Asian scholarly journal editors' daily life, work, and opinions on future journal development SCIENCE EDITING
2020-06 여군의 산전관리 적정성 및 출산결과 군진간호연구
2020-04 Pro-inflammatory Cytokine Levels and Cancer-related Fatigue in Breast Cancer Survivors: Effects of an Exercise Adherence Program JOURNAL OF BREAST CANCER
2020-04 Debriefing methods and learning outcomes in simulation nursing education: A systematic review and meta-analysis NURSE EDUCATION TODAY
2020-04 Enriching the quality of cross-cultural instrument development through cognitive interviewing: Implications for nursing research JAPAN JOURNAL OF NURSING SCIENCE
2020-03 The experience of cancer-related fatigue, exercise and exercise adherence among women breast cancer survivors: Insights from focus group interviews JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING
2019-12 Development of an exercise adherence program for breast cancer survivors with cancer-related fatigue: An intervention mapping approach. SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER
2019-12 장액성 난소암 환자의 유전성 난소암에 대한 지식 및 불안정도 여성건강간호학회지
2019-11 Integrative Review of Factors Influencing Surveillance Mammography Adherence among Breast Cancer Survivors ONCOLOGY NURSING FORUM
2019-09 미취학 자녀를 둔 기혼 여군 장교의 일·가정 양립 지원제도 활용 정도와 재직의도 영향요인 여성건강간호학회지
2019-08 간호대학생을 위한 공감교육 프로그램이 공감능력, 대인관계 능력 및 돌봄에 미치는 효과 한국간호교육학회지
2019-07 Social Adjustment of Adolescent Cancer Survivors: A Concept Analysis Child Health Nursing Research
2019-07 Effect of Psychosocial Interventions of the Severity of Premenstrual Syndrome: a Meta-Analysis JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY
2019-07 Factors Influencing Disordered Eating Behavior Based on the Theory of Triadic Influence PERSPECTIVES IN PSYCHIATRIC CARE
2019-06 Weight control behaviors according to body weight status and accuracy of weight perceptions among Korean women: a nationwide population-based survey SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2019-06 Determinants of undergoing thyroid cancer screening in Korean women: A cross-sectional analysis from the K-Stori 2016 BMJ OPEN
2019-01 Socioeconomic inequalities in obesity among Korean women aged 19-79 years: the 2016 Korean Study of Women’s Health-Related Issues Epidemiology and Health
2019-01 Self-Perceptions of Body Weight Status according to Age-Groups among Korean Women: A Nationwide Population-Based Survey PLOS ONE
2018-12 The pregnancy experience of Korean mothers with a prenatal fetal diagnosis of congenital heart disease BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH
2018-11 Weight change and risk of uterine leiomyomas: Korea Nurses' Health Study CURRENT MEDICAL RESEARCH AND OPINION
2018-09 Gastroesophageal reflux disease and its related factors among women of reproductive age: Korea Nurses' Health Study BMC PUBLIC HEALTH
2018-09 간호사의 직장 내 괴롭힘 중재의 효과: 체계적 문헌고찰 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
2018-06 산후 분노에 대한 서술적 문헌고찰 부모자녀건강학회지
2018-06 아버지의 육아휴직과 가족건강에 관한 통합적 문헌고찰 부모자녀건강학회지
2018-06 암 환자의 경구용 항암제 복약관리 프로그램 효과평가 Asian Oncology Nursing
2018-03 장루보유 대장암 환자의 신체상과 성생활의 영향요인 Asian Oncology Nursing
2018-03 The Relationships among Postpartum Fatigue, Depressive Mood, Self-care Agency, and Self-care Action of First-time Mothers in Bangladesh 여성건강간호학회지
2017-08 The Korea Nurses' Health Study: A Prospective Cohort Study JOURNAL OF WOMENS HEALTH
2017-07 Effects of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program on the Physical and Psychological Status and Quality of Life in Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer HOLISTIC NURSING PRACTICE
2017-06 산전 자가유방 마사지 교육이 초산모의 모유수유 자기효능감, 모유수유 적응과 실천에 미치는 효과 부모자녀건강학회지
2017-06 The Korean Study of Women's Health-Related Issues (K-Stori): Rationale and Study Design BMC PUBLIC HEALTH
2017-03 여대생의 월경 태도, 월경 전 불편감과 월경 전 대처와의 관계 여성건강간호학회지
2016-12 아프리카 말라위 HIV/AIDS 감염인 가족의 삶의 질 영향요인 Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society
2016-09 미산부의 산전교육 참여 현황과 분만, 산후관리, 신생아 양육 관련 지식 및 태도 여성건강간호학회지
2016-04 Role of social determinants and lifestyle on women's metabolic risk during the perimenopausal transition: results from a cohort study MENOPAUSE-THE JOURNAL OF THE NORTH AMERICAN MENOPAUSE SOCIETY
2016-03 Needs assessment for master of nursing programs among Bangladesh nurses INTERNATIONAL NURSING REVIEW
2016-02 조혈모세포 이식 전 환자의사회적 지지, 희망, 불안 및 우울의 관계 Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
2016-02 Cortisol as a predictor of simulation-based educational outcomes in senior nursing students: a pilot study Clinical Simulation in Nursing
2015-12 데이컴기법을 활용한 분만실 간호사의 업무활동 분석 임상간호연구
2015-12 유방암환자의 회복탄력성 및 관련요인 Asian Oncology Nursing
2015-08 Posttraumatic Growth in Survivors of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY
2014-12 간호사의 문화적 역량에 대한 외국인 환자와 병원 간호사의인식 비교 임상간호연구
2014-12 여성건강간호학회지에 게재된 조사연구 보고 분석: STROBE 지침에 근거하여 여성건강간호학회지
2014-10 Development and psychometric evaluation of a sexual health care knowledge scale for oncology nurses SEXUAL & REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHCARE
2014-07 Coping and Resilience of Adolescents With Congenital Heart Disease JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR NURSING
2014-03 산모의 모유수유 적응과 모유 내 면역물질에 영향을 미치는심리사회적 요인 여성건강간호학회지