논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-08 Transdisciplinary fine-grained citation content analysis: A multi-task learning perspective for citation aspect and sentiment classification Journal of Informetrics
2024-06 Examining between-sectors knowledge transfer in the pharmacology field Scientometrics
2024-03 KoSentEval: 한국어 문장 임베딩 평가 연구 지능정보연구
2024-03 DOLAP: A 25 Year Journey Through Research Trends and Performance CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2024-03 Detecting mental and physical disorders using multi-task learning equipped with knowledge graph attention network Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
2023-12 Heading Towards Sub-Discipline Rankings for Higher Education Institutions IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems
2023-11 High acknowledgement index: Characterizing research supporters with factors of acknowledgement affecting paper citation counts Journal of Informetrics
2023-10 Using Explainable AI to Understand Team Formation and Team Impact Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology
2023-06 KOMUChat : 인공지능 학습을 위한 온라인 커뮤니티 대화 데이터셋 연구 지능정보연구
2023-06 Integrated entitymetrics analysis for health information on bipolar disorder using social media data and scientific literature Aslib Journal of Information Management
2023-05 Exploring the knowledge certainty shift: Metaknowledge analysis on drugs via assertion uncertainty burstiness Journal of Informetrics
2023-01 A method of constructing a fine-grained sentiment lexicon for the humanities computing of classical chinese poetry Neural Computing and Applications
2022-12 MLM-based typographical error correction of unstructured medical texts for named entity recognition BMC Bioinformatics
2022-12 An automatic hypothesis generation for plausible linkage between xanthium and diabetes Scientific Reports
2022-12 BertSRC: transformer-based semantic relation classification BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
2022-11 Comparison Analysis of Co-authorship Network and Citation Based Network for Author Research Similarity Exploration 한국문헌정보학회지
2022-09 Automated extraction of information of lung cancer staging from unstructured reports of PET-CT interpretation: natural language processing with deep-learning BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
2022-08 Exploring the influence of coauthorship with top scientists on researchers' affiliation, research topic, productivity, and impact Journal of Informetrics
2022-08 Pandemics are catalysts of scientific novelty: Evidence from COVID-19 JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
2022-06 BERTopic을 활용한 불면증 소셜 데이터 토픽 모델링 및 불면증 경향 문헌 딥러닝 자동분류 모델 구축 정보관리학회지
2022-05 Indexing important drugs from medical literature SCIENTOMETRICS
2022-05 Developing a topic-driven method for interdisciplinarity analysis JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS
2022-04 Mining the evolutionary process of knowledge through multiple relationships between keywords SCIENTOMETRICS
2022-03 다중 네트워크 분석과 토픽 모델링을 이용한 임진왜란 시기 사료에 관한 연구 한국비블리아학회지
2022-03 A Deep Learning-based Depression Trend Analysis of Korean on Social Media 정보관리학회지
2022-02 Exploring scientific trajectories of a large-scale dataset using topic-integrated path extraction JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS
2022-01 Analysis of E-mental health research: mapping the relationship between information technology and mental healthcare BMC PSYCHIATRY
2021-11 A network embedding-based scholar assessment indicator considering four facets: Research topic, author credit allocation, field-normalized journal impact, and published time JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS
2021-10 BioPREP: Deep learning-based predicate classification with SemMedDB JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS
2021-09 딥러닝 및 토픽모델링 기법을 활용한 소셜 미디어의 자살 경향 문헌 판별 및 분석 한국비블리아학회지
2021-09 Exploring the research landscape of data warehousing and mining based on DaWaK Conference full-text articles DATA & KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING
2021-08 A sensitivity analysis of factors influential to the popularity of shared data in data repositories JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS
2021-07 Semisupervised sentiment analysis method for online text reviews JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE
2021-06 딥러닝 자동 분류 모델을 위한 공황장애 소셜미디어 코퍼스 구축 및 분석 정보관리학회지
2021-06 Toward a Coronavirus Knowledge Graph Genes
2021-05 An Attention Model With Transfer Embeddings to Classify Pneumonia-Related Bilingual Imaging Reports:Algorithm Development and Validation JMIR medical informatics
2021-05 Analyzing knowledge entities about COVID‑19 using entitymetrics SCIENTOMETRICS
2021-05 Measuring the impact of novelty, bibliometric, and academic-network factors on citation count using a neural network JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS
2021-01 Dialog Response Selection을 위한 BERT의 Vertical & Horizonal Hidden Vector Attention 기반 전이학습 모델 정보과학회논문지
2020-11 The evolution of social health research topics: A data-driven analysis SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE
2020-11 The pace of artificial intelligence innovations: Speed, talent, and trial-and-error JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS
2020-10 Literature based discovery of alternative TCM medicine for adverse reactions to depression drugs BMC BIOINFORMATICS
2020-09 Analyzing the research landscape of DaWaK papers from 1999 to 2019 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2020-09 Two layer‑based trajectory analysis of the research trend in automotive fuel industry SCIENTOMETRICS
2020-09 Two layer-based trajectory analysis of the research trend in automotive fuel industry SCIENTOMETRICS
2020-08 Monolingual and multilingual topic analysis using LDA and BERT embeddings JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS
2020-08 Characterizing the psychiatric drug responses of Reddit users from a socialomics perspective JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS
2020-08 Incorporating citation impact into analysis of research trends SCIENTOMETRICS
2020-07 Finding rising stars in bibliometric networks SCIENTOMETRICS
2020-06 Understanding Drug Repurposing From the Perspective of Biomedical Entities and Their Evolution: Bibliographic Research Using Aspirin JMIR medical informatics
2020-06 Building a PubMed knowledge Graph Scientific Data
2020-06 A data-driven analysis of the knowledge structure of library science with full-text journal articles JOURNAL OF LIBRARIANSHIP AND INFORMATION SCIENCE
2020-05 Developing a supervised learning‑based social media business sentiment index JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING
2020-05 Characterizing user interest in NoSQL databases of social question and answer data JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING
2020-02 Examining influential factors for acknowledgements classification using supervised learning PLOS ONE
2020-02 Examining drug and side effect relation using author–entity pair bipartite networks JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS
2019-12 소셜미디어를 통한 우울 경향 이용자 담론 주제 분석 정보관리학회지
2019-12 Combining entity co-occurrence with specialized word embeddings to measure entity relation in Alzheimer’s disease BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING
2019-11 조현병과 정신분열병에 대한 뉴스 프레임 분석을 통해 본 사회적 인식의 변화 한국문헌정보학회지
2019-10 Visualizing a field of research: A methodology of systematic scientometric reviews PLOS ONE
2019-06 생의학 학술 문헌의 불확실성 기반지식 동향 분석에 관한 연구 정보관리학회지
2019-06 Predicting biomedical relationships using the knowledge and graph embedding cascade model PLOS ONE
2019-06 Mining of Textual Health Information from Reddit: Analysis of Chronic Diseases With Extracted Entities and Their Relations JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH
2019-05 An application of convolutional neural networks with salient features for relation classification BMC BIOINFORMATICS
2019-04 A context-based ABC model for literature-based discovery PLOS ONE
2019-03 Adopting Text Mining on Rehabilitation Therapy Repositioning for Stroke FRONTIERS IN NEUROINFORMATICS
2019-02 Inferring Drug-Protein–Side Effect Relationships from Biomedical Text Genes
2018-12 전문인 집단에 대한 신뢰 수준에 영향을 미치는 요인 문화와 사회
2018-11 Investigating Drug–Disease Interactions in Drug–Symptom–Disease Triples via Citation Relations JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
2018-09 트럼프 취임 관련 국내 언론에서 나타난 감성과 거시 경제 지수 간 영향 관계 언론과학연구
2018-08 Topology-driven trend analysis for drug discovery JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS
2018-07 Incorporating product description to sentiment topic models for improved aspect-based sentiment analysis INFORMATION SCIENCES
2018-06 토픽모델링과 딥 러닝을 활용한 생의학 문헌 자동 분류 기법 연구 정보관리학회지
2018-06 Relation extraction for biological pathway construction using node2vec BMC BIOINFORMATICS
2018-05 The landscape of smart aging: Topics, applications, and agenda DATA & KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING
2018-04 The funding factor: a cross-disciplinary examination of the association between research funding and citation impact SCIENTOMETRICS
2018-02 A scalable and adaptive method for finding semantically equivalent cue words of uncertainty JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS
2018-02 Application of Public Knowledge Discovery Tool (PKDE4J) to Represent Biomedical Scientific Knowledge Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics
2018-02 Topic Diffusion Analysis of a Weighted Citation Network in Biomedical Literature JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
2018-01 Network-based approach to detect novelty of scholarly literature INFORMATION SCIENCES
2017-12 Ideological Bias and Extremism among Twitter Networks in South Korea Taiwanese Political Science Review
2017-12 EPHA6 rs4857055 C > T polymorphism associates with hypertension through triglyceride and LDL particle size in the Korean population LIPIDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE
2017-09 Data-driven Pattern Analysis of Acknowledgments in the Biomedical Domain Data and Information Management
2017-08 Exploring Characteristics of Highly Cited Authors According to Citation Location and Content JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
2017-07 An adaptable fine-grained sentiment analysis for summarization of multiple short online reviews DATA & KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING
2017-07 Enriching plausible new hypothesis generation in PubMed PLOS ONE
2017-06 단체카톡방 언어성폭력에 대한 태도 연구 한국심리학회지:여성
2017-06 Ensemble analysis of topical journal ranking in bioinformatics JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
2017-05 Analyzing the field of bioinformatics with the multi-faceted topic modeling technique BMC BIOINFORMATICS
2017-05 Comparative evaluation of bibliometric content networks by tomographic content analysis: An application to Parkinson's disease JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
2017-03 팩터그래프 모델을 이용한 연구전선 구축 정보관리학회지
2017-03 텍스트마이닝을 이용한 윤동주 연구의 개체계량학적 분석 한국비블리아학회지
2017-02 Relationship between changes in polyunsaturated fatty acids and aging-related arterial stiffness in overweight subjects 50 years or older over a 3-year period JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LIPIDOLOGY
2017-02 Standing on the shoulders of giants JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS
2017-02 Metabolites Distinguishing Visceral Fat Obesity and Atherogenic Traits in Individuals with Overweight OBESITY