논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-08 Digital Inclusion among Community Older Adults in the Republic of Korea: Measuring Digital Skills and Health Consequences European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education
2024-03 Response to the commentary “The role of gender in the relationship between social engagement and health outcomes” SSM - Population Health
2023-09 요양병원 입원급여 적정성 평가 결과를 활용한 요양병원 입원환자의 장기입원 관련 요인 탐색 연구 병원경영학회지
2023-08 Evaluating the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on hypertension and diabetes care in South Korea: an interrupted time series analysis BMC public health
2023-06 농촌 지역 노인 우울증 및 치매 예방을 위한 사회적처방의 효과평가 한국농촌간호학회지
2023-06 파라과이 농촌지역의 보건소 건립 후 접근성과 이용만족도에 관한 연구 의료·복지 건축
2023-06 Relationship between Cognition, Depression, and Oral health status in Older adults: A longitudinal cross-lagged analysis Journal of Affective Disorders
2023-05 Priority analysis of factors affecting family planning practices among Ethiopians using a decision tree analysis African journal of reproductive health
2023-05 Factors affecting Nepalese rural dwellers’ choice of first-contact health facility: A cross-sectional survey Journal of Global Health Reports
2023-05 다문화가정 영유아와 한국인가정 영유아의 발달장애에 대한 비교 연구 대한보건연구
2023-05 Global Trends in Social Prescribing: Web-Based Crawling Approach Journal of medical Internet research
2023-04 Comparison in the trends between monkeypox spread and coronavirus disease spread among countries:A longitudinal study* 지역발전연구
2023-04 COVID-19 Phobia among Korean, Chinese, and Japanese students: An international comparative study Heliyon
2023-03 농촌 노인 우울감 및 외로움 경감을 위한 사회적 처방 시범사업 효과평가 보건교육건강증진학회지
2023-03 상급종합병원 3자 물류외주시스템 도입의 경제성 분석 병원경영학회지
2023-03 Validation of the Chinese version of the COVID-19 Phobia Scale among Chinese college students Heliyon
2023-03 Social engagement and subjective health among older adults in South Korea: Evidence from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (2006–2018) SSM - Population Health
2023-02 페루 도시 저소득층 거주 지역에서의 고혈압관리 중재효과 평가 대한보건연구
2023-02 디지털리터러시 향상을 위한 노인대상 스마트폰 교육의 효과성 평가 대한보건연구
2023-02 Relationship between eHealth, Perceived Risk, and Phobia of COVID-19 among Chinese University Students in Korea and China Health & Social Care in the Community
2023-02 Assessing the Fear Factor of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Korea Using the COVID-19 Phobia Scale: A Cross-Sectional Study Journal of Korean Medical Science
2023-01 Impact of COVID-19 Fear on COVID-19 Policy Support Among University Students in South Korea Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology
2023-01 K防疫とコロナ蔓延 小児内科
2023-01 Comparison of the risks of occupational diseases, avoidable hospitalization, and all-cause deaths between firefighters and non-firefighters: A cohort study using national health insurance claims data Frontiers in Public Health
2022-12 Digital-Based Policy and Health Promotion Policy in Japan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, and Thailand: A Scoping Review of Policy Paths to Healthy Aging International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2022-11 원주시 지역주민의 위암 검진과 사후관리 수행 여부에 미치는 영향 관계: Anderson 모형 중심으로 대한보건연구
2022-11 Influencing factor of COVID-19 vaccination trust and hesitancy in Wonju city, South Korea PLoS ONE
2022-06 Assessing Knowledge, Preventive Practices, and Depression Among Chinese International Students and Local Korean Students in South Korea During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Online Cross-Sectional Study FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY
2022-06 Digitally Inclusive, Healthy Aging Communities (DIHAC): A Cross-Cultural Study in Japan, Republic of Korea, Singapore, and Thailand International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2022-05 The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Outpatient Visits for All-Cause and Chronic Diseases in Korea: A Nationwide Population-Based Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2022-05 코로나19 대유행 상황에서 디지털 플랫폼을 활용한 노인 대상 사회적 처방 시범사업의 효과평가 대한보건연구
2022-05 Gender Disparity and the Association Between Socioeconomic Status, Mental Health, and the Need for Long-Term Services and Support Among the Older Koreans Frontiers in Public Health
2022-04 The Effect of Cognitive Function Health Care Using Artificial Intelligence Robots for Older Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis JMIR Aging
2022-04 Public Health Financing and Responses to COVID-19: Lessons from South Korea HEALTHCARE
2022-02 Expert Needs of Healthy Public Health Centre Development in the Archipelago Area of South Sulawesi International Journal of Substainable Development and Planning
2022-01 Status of School Health Programs in Asia: National Policy and Implementation PEDIATRICS INTERNATIONAL
2021-11 Inter-community relations factor on the empowerment of the aisle community in makassar city: A structural equation model Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
2021-11 International comparison of depression during the COVID-19 pandemic among university students in 13 countries: a web-based cross-sectional survey ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
2021-11 COVID-19 대유행 초기 한국 고등학생의 우울감에 미치는 영향 요인 분석: 웹 기반 단면연구 대한보건연구
2021-11 Information Disclosure Contents of the COVID-19 Data Dashboard Websites for South Korea, China, and Japan: A Comparative Study HEALTHCARE
2021-10 Social determinants of overweight and obesity in Paraguayan adults using quantile regression Journal of Public Health Research
2021-10 Depression in public officials during the COVID-19 pandemic in Paraguay: a web-based study BMC PUBLIC HEALTH
2021-09 COvid-19 vaccine perception in south korea:web crawling approach JMIR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SURVEILLANCE
2021-09 일부 고등학생들의 학교와 학원 코로나19 대응방역 신뢰도에 따른 코로나19 예방행동 실천의 차이 농촌의학.지역보건
2021-09 사회적 처방에 의한 텃밭활동 경험에 관한 연구 보건교육건강증진학회지
2021-09 Effects of social prescribing pilot project for the elderly in rural area of South Korea during COVID-19 pandemic Health Science Reports
2021-08 COVID-19 기간동안 인도네시아와 네팔 대학생 및 대학원생들의 불안에 대한 비교 연구 지역발전연구
2021-08 ICNP (International Classification for Nursing Practice)를이용한 재가 고위험 허약 및 허약 노인들의 가족간호현상 근관절건강학회지
2021-07 Mobility restrictions were associated with reductions in COVID-19 incidence early in the pandemic: evidence from a real-time evaluation in 34 countries SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021-06 코로나바이러스감염증-19 팬데믹 1차시기의 한국 및 네팔 대학생 간 개인위생예방 및 사회적 거리두기 실천 수준 비교 보건교육건강증진학회지
2021-06 Association between traffic inflow and COVID-19 prevalence at the provincial level in South Korea INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES
2021-05 영국의 사회적 처방 도입과 운영 사례: 킹스턴 지역을 중심으로 대한보건연구
2021-04 Unmet healthcare needs among adults in Rural area, Paraguay: A cross-sectional study 지역발전연구
2021-04 Service Delivery Reforms for Asian Ageing Societies: A Cross-Country Study Between Japan, South Korea, China, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CARE
2021-04 Assessing Knowledge, Preventive Practices, and Depression among Chinese University Students in Korea and China during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Online Cross-Sectional Study HEALTHCARE
2021-03 Associations of the related factors of depression, social support and social participation in kyungro‐dang among older adults in South Korea: A structural equation modelling analysis Nursing Open
2021-02 COVID – 19 감염병의 성공적 방역 사례 비교: 부탄, 쿠바, 뉴질랜드 대한보건연구
2021-01 Principles and strategies for aisles communities empowerment in creating Makassar Healthy City, Indonesia GACETA SANITARIA
2021-01 Analysis of personal and national factors that influence depression in individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic: a web-based cross-sectional survey GLOBALIZATION AND HEALTH
2020-12 School-based obesity prevention interventions in Latin America: A systematic review REVISTA DE SAUDE PUBLICA
2020-12 Financing Mechanisms of Social Prescribing Projects: A Systematic Review 보건행정학회지
2020-10 How Well Does Societal Mobility Restriction Help Control the COVID-19 Pandemic? Evidence from Real-Time Evaluation Social Science Research Network
2020-10 Determining Public Opinion of the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Korea and Japan: Social Network Mining on Twitter Healthcare Informatics Research
2020-10 COVID‑19 screening center models in South Korea JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY
2020-09 경로당 이용과 인구사회학적 요인, 삶의 만족도, 건강상태에 관한 연구* 농촌의학.지역보건
2020-09 다수준분석을 활용한 개인특성 및 지역환경에 따른 우울증 관련 영향요인 분석 보건행정학회지
2020-09 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Knowledge, Precaution Practice, and Associated Depression Symptoms among University Students in Korea, China, and Japan INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2020-08 Government Response to COVID-19 Using Stringency Index Among 151 Countries and Six Regions Social Science Research Network
2020-08 농촌 지역 거주 노인의 우울에 미치는 영향 지역발전연구
2020-08 이중차이분석을 활용한 콩고민주공화국 5세 미만 아동 영양개선 프로그램의 가구 소득수준별 효과 평가 지역발전연구
2020-08 COVID-19 Perception, Knowledge, and Preventive Practice: Comparison between South Korea, Ethiopia, and Democratic Republic of Congo African Journal of Reproductive Health
2020-07 Process Evaluation of a School-Based Program Aimed at Preventing Obesity in Adolescents from Lima and Callao, Peru INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2020-07 The relationship between trends in COVID-19 prevalence and traffic levels in South Korea INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES
2020-06 서울시와 일본의 지역사회 보건복지통합서비스 분석과 정책 방향: - Capacity mapping tool을 이용하여 - 서울도시연구
2020-06 Factors Associated with Happiness among Senior Citizens of Rural Korea: Evidence from the 2017 National Survey of Older Koreans 보건행정학회지
2020-06 Comparison of the Health Insurance Systems of South Korea and Peru 보건행정학회지
2020-06 파라과이 농촌지역 보건지소의 시설 관리 및 이용실태에 관한 연구[1] – 파라과이 림삐오시를 중심으로 의료·복지 건축
2020-06 Announcement of launching the JGHS commission on COVID-19 response Journal of Global Health Science
2020-05 쿠바, 아바나 청소년의 성행동 관련 요인 한국학교보건교육학회지
2020-05 콩고민주공화국 Kwango 지역 임산부 및 15~49세 유배우 가임기 여성의 모자보건지식에 영향을 미치는 요인 대한보건연구
2020-05 Effectiveness of a comprehensive blood pressure control program in primary health care in Peru REVISTA PANAMERICANA DE SALUD PUBLICA-PAN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
2020-04 Health Promoting Schools: A multicomponent program to prevent behavioral risks among adolescents (2014-2017) Persona
2020-04 Prevalence and Associated Factors of Alcohol and Cigarette Use among Peruvian Adolescents 한국학교보건학회지
2020-03 COVID-19와 관련된 사회적 고립과 외로움 극복을 위한 사회적 처방 제도 보건교육건강증진학회지
2020-03 쿠바 시엔푸에고스 건강 도시 프로젝트 보건교육건강증진학회지
2019-12 농촌 지역 거주 노인의 경로당 이용 관련 특성 및 사회참여 영향요인 분석 연구 지역발전연구
2019-12 The Impact of the Interventions for 4+ Antenatal Care Service Utilization in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A Decision Tree Analysis ANNALS OF GLOBAL HEALTH
2019-12 커뮤니티케어를 위한 농촌지역 경로당의 운영현황 및 이용실태 연구 - 원주시 흥업면 경로당을 중심으로 의료·복지 건축
2019-12 커뮤니티케어 활성화를 위한 농촌지역 경로당 이용 노인과 비이용 노인 간 성공적 노화 관련 요인 비교 보건행정학회지
2019-12 군병원 종사 의무병들이 환자로부터 경험한 무례함이 직무 스트레스에 미치는 영향 분석 한국군사회복지학
2019-11 Health Related Quality of Life and Associated Factors among pregnant and mothers of under five children in Kwango District, DRC 대한보건연구
2019-11 강원도 한 농촌지역에서의 노인 우울증 경감을 위한 사회적 처방 프로그램의 효과평가 대한보건연구
2019-11 Community-based maternal and child health project on 4+ antenatal care in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a difference-in-differences analysis REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH
2019-10 Effectiveness of a school-based mental health education program in an impoverished urban area of Peru GLOBAL HEALTH PROMOTION