논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2012-12 Effects of Elevated CO2 and Pb on the Microbial Community in the Rhizosphere of Pinus densiflora JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY
2012-08 Effects of Elevated CO2 on Communities of Denitrifying Bacteria and Methanogens in a Temperate Marsh Microcosm MICROBIAL ECOLOGY
2012-07 Effects of Biochar Addition on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Microbial Responses in a Short-Term Laboratory Experiment JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY
2012-06 Functional and structural responses of bacterial and methanogen communities to 3 year-warming incubation in different depths of peat mire APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY
2012-02 유역 내 토지이용도에 따른 N2O 배출양상 대한환경공학회지
2012-02 한강 지류 토지 이용 특성과 하천 내의 미지형에 따른 탈질량과 조절 인자 한국습지학회지
2012-02 하변토양의 미생물체외효소활성에 미치는 칩입성 식물의 영향 한국습지학회지
2012-01 Seasonal and spatial variations of denitrification and denitrifying bacterial community structure in created riverine wetlands ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING
2012-01 공학 분야의 윤리적 문제해결방법: 매트릭스 가이드 공학교육연구
2011-12 Effects of ammonium and nitrate additions on carbon mineralization in wetland soils SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
2011-09 Effects of Pinus densiflora on soil chemical and microbial properties in Pb-contaminated forest soil Journal of Ecology and Field Biology
2011-07 Effects of elevated CO2 and Pb on phytoextraction and enzyme activity WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION
2011-06 The Impacts of Excessive Nitrogen Additions on Enzyme Activities and Nutrient Leaching in Two Contrasting Forest Soils JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY
2011-04 Temporal Dynamics of Bacterial and Fungal Communities in a Genetically Modified (GM) Rice Ecosystem MICROBIAL ECOLOGY
2011-03 Methane concentrations and methanotrophic community structure influence the response of soil methane oxidation to nitrogen content in a temperate forest SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
2011-02 Plant-derived phenolic compounds impair the remediation of acid mine drainage using treatment wetlands ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING
2011-01 Denitrification rates and community structure of denitrifying bacteria in newly constructed wetland EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL BIOLOGY
2011-01 Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Effluent of a Secondary Wastewater Treatment Plant Using a Pond-Marsh Wetland System WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION
2010-12 Global Increases in Dissolved Organic Carbon in Rivers and Their Implications 한국하천호수학회지
2010-10 Impact of invasive plant and environmental conditions on denitrification potential in urban riparian ecosystems Chemistry and Ecology
2010-10 Different responses of denitrification rates and denitrifying bacterial communities to hydrologic pulsing in created wetlands Soil Biology & Biochemistry
2010-09 Effects of elevated co2 on organic matter decomposition capacities and community structure of sulfate-reducing bacteria in salt marsh sediment Journal of Ecology and Field Biology
2010-09 Controlling environmental factors of soil enzyme activities at three altitudes on Mt. Jumbong Journal of Ecology and Field Biology
2010-09 The Response of Nitrogen Deposition to Methane Oxidation Availability and Microbial Enzyme Activities in Forest Soils Environmental Engineering Research
2010-08 수심의 정도와 식생의 유무에 따른 인공습지 토양 내 유기탄소와 질산염의 공간적 분포 한국습지학회지
2010-07 Brevibacillus fluminis sp nov., isolated from sediment of estuarine wetland International Journal Of Systematic And Evolutionary Microbiology
2010-06 Development and Application of a Methodology for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment -Sea Level Rise Impact on a Coastal City 환경정책연구
2010-04 Effects of elevated CO2 on growth of Pinus densiflora seedling and enzyme activities in soil Journal of Ecology and Field Biology
2010-03 공학과 젠더: 공학교육에 어떻게 적용할 것인가? - 여학생 공학교육 선도대학 (WIE) 사업 분석과 운영 경험을 중심으로 - 공학교육연구
2010-01 Identification of airborne bacterial and fungal community structures in an urban area by T-RFLP analysis and quantitative real-time PCR Science Of The Total Environment
2009-12 Soil Enzyme Analysis for Leaf Litter Decomposition in Global Wetlands Communications In Soil Science And Plant Analysis
2009-09 Variations of soil enzyme activities in a temperate forest soil Ecological Research
2009-07 Investigating microbial activities of constructed wetlands with respect to nitrate and sulfate reduction DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT
2009-05 Comparison of Enzyme Activities in Vegetated and Nonvegetated Sediments Journal Of Environmental Engineering-Asce
2009-04 자연 하천의 생태학적 중요 지점으로서 지표수-지하수 혼합대의 생지화학적 기작 한국습지학회지
2009-01 Positive relationships between phenol oxidase activity and extractable phenolics in estuarine soils Chemistry and Ecology
2008-12 Risk Assessment Before and After Solar Photocatalytic Degradation of BTEX Contaminated Groundwater at a Gas Station Site in Korea Environmental Progress
2008-12 Measuring Phosphatase Activity in Peatland Soils: Recent Methodological Advances Environmental Engineering Research
2008-11 Comparative analysis of soil microbial communities and their responses to the short-term drought in bog, fen, and riparian wetlands Soil Biology & Biochemistry
2008-06 Effects of elevated CO2 on below-ground processes in temperate marsh microcosms Hydrobiologia
2007-12 Functional metagenomics using stable isotope probing: A review Environmental Engineering Research
2007-12 Interactions of Marsh Orchid (Dactylorhiza spp.) and Soil Microorganisms in Relation to Extracellular Enzyme Activities in a Peat Soil PEDOSPHERE
2007-09 Climate effects on greenhouse gas emissions and microbial communities in wetlands 한국농림기상학회지
2007-07 Release of phosphate in a wetland by changes in hydrological regime SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
2006-11 Methane oxidation rates in forest soils and their controlling variables: a review and a case study in Korea ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH
2006-10 Growth Rate and Nutrient Content Changes of Humulus japonicus 한국생태학회지
2005-04 Archaeal diversity in tidal flat sediment as revealed by 16S rDNA analysis JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY
2005-02 Marsh와 Pond 형태의 Microcosm 습지 시스템을 이용한 TNT(2,4,6-trinitrotoluene)의 분해 연구 대한환경공학회지
2005-01 Inhibition of extracellular enzyme activities in a forest soil by additions of inorganic nitrogen COMMUNICATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANALYSIS
2005-01 Shifts of soil enzyme activities in wetlands exposed to elevated CO2 SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
2005-01 N-Acetylglucosaminidase activities in wetlands: a global survey HYDROBIOLOGIA
2005-01 Effects of levees on soil microbial activity in a large river floodplain RIVER RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS
2004-12 Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations on soil microorganisms JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY
2004-10 Application of Landscape Ecology to Ecological Restoration 한국생태학회지
2004-10 A regulatory role for phenol oxidase during decomposition in peatlands SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
2004-09 이산화탄소 증가가 습지토양의 탈질세균 군집구조에 미치는 영향 미생물학회지
2004-07 Export of dissolved organic carbon from peatlands under elevated carbon dioxide levels NATURE
2004-02 Remarkable bacterial diversity in the tidal flat sediment as revealed by 16S rDNA analysis JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY
2003-12 Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 on Wetland Plants: A Review 한국하천호수학회지
2003-09 A sensitive method for the measurement of ammonium in soil extract and water COMMUNICATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANALYSIS
2002-12 Variations of DOC and Phenolics in Pore-water of Peatlands 한국하천호수학회지
2002-12 Sources and Variations of Extracellular Enzymesin a Wetland Soil 한국하천호수학회지
2002-11 The influence of hydrochemistry on methane emissions from two contrasting northern wetlands WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION
2002-10 Changes in annual CO2 fluxes estimated from inventory data in South Korea SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES
2002-01 Nitrogen removal from a riverine wetland: a field survey and simulation study of Phragmites japonica ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING
2002-01 Contrasted effects of simulated drought on the production and oxidation of methane in a mid-Wales wetland SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
2001-12 Impacts of Elevated CO2 on Algal Growth, CH4 Oxidation and N2O Production in Northern Peatland 한국하천호수학회지
2001-11 Effects of elevated CO2 on fen peat biogeochemistry The Science of the Total Environment
2001-01 Relationship between enzyme activity and the organic matter content of wetland soils Verh Internat Verein Limnol
2001-01 Effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on terrestrial ecosystems 한국환경생물학회지
2001-01 An enzymic 'latch' on a global carbon store - A shortage of oxygen locks up carbon in peatlands by restraining a single enzyme. NATURE
1999-03 Phosphatase and arylsulphatase activities in wetland soils: annual variation and controlling factors SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
1999-01 Water management with plants: Ecological approaches at ecotope, landscape and watershed scales 한국수자원학회 논문집
1998-07 Trace gas emissions from a north Wales fen - Role of hydrochemistry and soil enzyme activity WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION
1998-01 Measurement of cellulase and xylosidase activities in feat using a sensitive fluorogenic compound assay COMMUNICATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANALYSIS
1998-01 Enzyme activities in constructed wetlands: implication for water quality amelioration HYDROBIOLOGIA
1998-01 Changes of soil enzyme activities by simulated acid and nitrogen deposition CHEMISTRY AND ECOLOGY
1997-09 Measurement of phosphomonoesterase activity in wetland sediments - a sensitive method using HPLC and UV detection ARCHIV FUR HYDROBIOLOGIE
1997-01 Effects of long term nitrogen additions on soil enzyme activities in a Sitka spruce forest International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences