논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2015-11 Trend analysis of academic research and technical development pertaining to gas hydrates SCIENTOMETRICS
2015-11 Predicting the pattern of technology convergence using big-data technology on large-scale triadic patents TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
2015-10 Patent valuation based on text mining and survival analysis JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER
2015-08 지리적 표시제에 대한 관심이 농산물 가격변화 예측에 미치는 영향 연구 : 사과를 사례로 대한산업공학회지
2015-08 A new cost of ownership model for the acquisition of technology complying with environmental regulations JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
2015-05 Patent-based QFD framework development for identification of emerging technologies and related business models: A case of robot technology in Korea TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
2015-05 Behavioral Technology Credit Scoring Model with Time-Dependent Covariates for Stress Test EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH
2015-04 Analyzing technological convergence trends in a business ecosystem INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS
2015-03 Stress test for a technology credit guarantee fund based on survival analysis JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY
2015-02 공간빅데이터 연구 동향 파악을 위한 토픽모형 분석 대한산업공학회지
2015-02 Design and Implementation of a Six Sigma Game to Develop Entrepreneurship in Engineering Students INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION
2015-01 Product failure pattern analysis from warranty data using association rule and Weibull regression analysis: A case study RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY
2015-01 Identifying patterns in rare earth element patents based on text and data mining SCIENTOMETRICS
2014-11 Time to Death Analysis of Road Traffic Accidents in Relation to Delta V, Drunk Driving, and Restraint Systems TRAFFIC INJURY PREVENTION
2014-11 Patent analysis to identify shale gas development in China and the United States ENERGY POLICY
2014-10 Investment timing under hybrid stochastic and local volatility CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS
2014-08 Optimization strategy of credit line management for credit card business COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH
2014-05 Development of a national competitiveness index based on a structural equation model TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
2014-05 Design guidelines for the Dashilar, Beijing Open Green Space Redevelopment Project URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING
2014-04 Updating a credit-scoring model based on new attributes without realization of actual data EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH
2014-03 Balanced Scorecard Based Performance Analysis of Accreditation for Engineering Education Industrial Engineeering & Management Systems
2014-01 Effects of the matching fund program on IPO and bankruptcy of SMEs in Korea SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS
2013-12 Behavioral credit scoring model for technology-based firms that considers uncertain financial ratios obtained from relationship banking SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS
2013-10 Peer Group Analysis for Introducing Weather Derivatives for a City Expert Systems with Applications
2013-08 BIOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION: A LEGITIMACY-BASED VIEW International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management
2013-08 Bayesian network analysis for the dynamic prediction of early stage entrepreneurial activity index Expert Systems with Applications
2013-04 Behavior scoring model for coalition loyalty programs by using summary variables of transaction data Expert Systems with Applications
2013-01 Valuing academic patents and intellectual properties: Different perspectives of willingness to pay and sell TECHNOVATION
2012-08 Conjoint analysis of RD contract agreements for industry-funded university research JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER
2012-08 Stock fraud detection using peer group analysis Expert Systems with Applications
2012-08 Pattern recognition for evaluator errors in a credit scoring model for technology-based SMEs JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY
2012-07 DEA based multi-period evaluation system for research in academia Expert Systems with Applications
2012-03 Decision tree-based technology credit scoring for start-up firms: Korean case Expert Systems with Applications
2012-03 Probe test yield optimization based on canonical correlation analysis between process control monitoring variables and probe bin variables Expert Systems with Applications
2011-10 How Effective Is Government Support for Korean Women Entrepreneurs in Small and Medium Enterprises? JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT
2011-09 Design and Implementation of Youth Engineering Adventure Program in Korea INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION
2011-09 Conjoint analysis for improving the e-book reader in the Korean market Expert Systems with Applications
2011-07 Forecasting changes in Korea Composite Stock Price Index (KOSPI) using association rules Expert Systems with Applications
2011-06 DEA Application to Grouping Military Airbases MILITARY OPERATIONS RESEARCH
2011-06 Survival analysis for technology credit scoring adjusting total perception JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY
2011-05 Economic Evaluation Model for International Standardization of Correlated Technologies IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT
2011-04 Technology credit rating system for funding SMEs JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY
2011-01 Quantification method analysis of the relationship between occupant injury and environmental factors in traffic accidents ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION
2010-10 Random effects logistic regression model for anomaly detection Expert Systems With Applications
2010-08 Effect of Creativity on Innovation: Do Creativity Initiatives Have Significant Impact on Innovative Performance in Korean Firms? Creativity Research Journal
2010-07 Competing Risk Model for Technology Credit Fund for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Journal of Small Business Management
2010-07 Designing a business model for financial products for cultural heritage in the Korean market Journal Of Cultural Heritage
2010-06 Dynamic preventive maintenance scheduling of the modules of fighter aircraft based on random effects regression model Journal Of The Operational Research Society
2010-06 Conjoint analysis for intellectual property education World Patent Information
2010-05 Conjoint analysis for recruiting high quality students for college education Expert Systems With Applications
2010-04 Technology credit scoring model considering both SME characteristics and economic conditions: The Korean case Journal Of The Operational Research Society
2010-04 Investigating the relationship between ammunition stockpile information and subsequent performance Reliability Engineering & System Safety
2010-03 Conjoint and WTP analyses of future mobile phones for digital convergence Technological Forecasting and Social Change
2010-01 Perceptions of Engineering Among Korean Youth International Journal Of Engineering Education
2010-01 Strategies for revitalization for intelligent robot industry in Korea based on structural equation model Industrial Robot-An International Journal
2010-01 Support vector machines for default prediction of SMEs based on technology credit European Journal Of Operational Research
2009-12 Cost of ownership model for spare engines purchase for the Korean navy acquisition program Journal Of The Operational Research Society
2009-12 Impact analysis for national R&D funding in science and technology using quantification method II Research Policy
2009-11 Expert system to evaluate English medium instruction in Korean Universities Expert Systems With Applications
2009-11 Multi-level association rules for MP3P marketing strategies based on extensive marketing survey data Expert Systems With Applications
2009-08 Conjoint analysis of enhanced English Medium Instruction for college students Expert Systems With Applications
2009-07 CRM to improve the avoidance tendency in science and engineering college in Korea Expert Systems With Applications
2009-05 Conjoint analysis for IPTV service Expert Systems With Applications
2009-04 Assessment of a complementary cyber learning system to offline teaching Expert Systems With Applications
2009-04 Conjoint analysis for luxury brand outlet malls in Korea with consideration of customer lifetime value Expert Systems With Applications
2009-04 Designing a business model for the content service of portable multimedia players Expert Systems With Applications
2009-04 A strategic analysis for successful Brain Korea 21 initiative based on structural equation model Expert Systems With Applications
2009-04 Customer pattern search for after-sales service in manufacturing Expert Systems With Applications
2009-04 Cost of ownership model for the RFID logistics system applicable to u-city European Journal Of Operational Research
2009-03 Economic Evaluation Model for International Standardization of Technology IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
2009-03 Sequential association rules for forecasting failure patterns of aircrafts in Korean airforce Expert Systems With Applications
2009-03 Optimal pricing for mobile manufacturers in competitive market using genetic algorithm Expert Systems With Applications
2009-03 Structural equation model for effective CRM of information infrastructure industry in Korea Expert Systems With Applications
2008-12 The risk management for technology credit guarantee fund JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY
2008-11 Competing risk model for mobile phone service Technological Forecasting And Social Change
2008-11 An air force logistics management index for effective aircraft operation Transportation Research Part E-Logistics And Transportation Review
2008-09 A systematic approach for improving the quality of official statistics: Case of Korean information and telecommunication industry Information & Management
2008-07 Case-based reasoning for predicting multiperiod financial performances of technology-based SMEs Applied Artificial Intelligence
2008-06 A strategic analysis for successful open source software utilization based on a structural equation model Journal Of Systems And Software
2008-04 The effect of forecasting and information sharing in SCM for multi-generation products European Journal Of Operational Research
2008-02 Technology scoring model for reflecting evaluator' perception within confidence limits European Journal Of Operational Research
2008-02 Searching customer patterns of mobile service using clustering and quantitative association rule Expert Systems With Applications
2008-02 Demand forecasting of high-speed Internet access service considering unknown time-varying covariates Computers & Industrial Engineering
2008-01 Structural equation model for effective CRM of digital content industry Expert Systems With Applications
2008-01 Random effects model for credit rating transitions European Journal Of Operational Research
2007-11 Development of an Air Force Warehouse Logistics Index to continuously improve logistics capabilities EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH
2007-11 Random effects logistic regression model for default prediction of technology credit guarantee fund EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH
2007-10 Technology scoring model considering rejected applicants and effect of reject inference JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY
2007-08 Finding the optimal CSP inventory level for multi-echelon system in Air Force using random effects regression model EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH
2007-06 Forecasting both time varying MTBF of fighter aircraft module and expected demand of minor parts JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY
2007-05 Random effects Weibull regression model for occupational lifetime EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH
2007-04 Predicting the financial performance index of technology fund for SME using structural equation model EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
2007-04 A strategic analysis of Korean engineering education based on two satisfaction scores JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION
2007-02 Cluster-based dynamic scoring model EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
2007-02 Application of an EWMA combining technique to the prediction of currency exchange rates IIE TRANSACTIONS
2007-02 Structural equation model for the evaluation of national funding on R&D project of SMEs in consideration with MBNQA criteria EVALUATION AND PROGRAM PLANNING