논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2017-04 Breakfast consumption and depressive mood: A focus on socioeconomic status APPETITE
2016-12 치과병원 종사자의 환자안전문화인식과 환자안전관리활동의 관련성 한국치위생학회지(Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene)
2016-10 Assessment of the Price?Volume Agreement Program inSouth Korea HEALTH POLICY
2016-10 Incremental impact of body mass status with modifiable unhealthy lifestyle behaviors on pharmaceutical expenditure RESEARCH IN SOCIAL & ADMINISTRATIVE PHARMACY
2016-09 만성질환자 대상 맞춤형 투약상담 중재 프로그램 시범사업에 대한 평가 한국임상약학회지
2016-08 Factors influencing the difference between forecasted and actual drug sales volumes under the price-volume agreement in South Korea HEALTH POLICY
2016-07 Do physicians change prescription practice in response to financial incentives? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SERVICES
2016-06 Effects of delisting nonprescription combination drugs on health insurance expenditures for pharmaceuticals in Korea HEALTH POLICY
2016-03 국내 시각장애인의 의약품 안전사용 실태에 대한 심층면접조사 한국임상약학회지
2016-02 The effect of competition on the relationship between the introduction of the DRG system and quality of care in Korea. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
2016-01 Patients response to insurer-led intervention for medication adherence- a pilot study based on claims data in Korea INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS
2015-11 Health care utilization and costs among medical-aid enrollees, the poor not enrolled in medical-aid, and the near poor in South Korea INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EQUITY IN HEALTH
2015-09 Effects of pharmaceutical cost containment policies on doctors’ prescribing behavior: Focus on antibiotics HEALTH POLICY
2015-08 Lifetime effectiveness of mifamurtide addition to chemotherapy in nonmetastatic and metastatic osteosarcoma: a Markov process model analysis TUMOR BIOLOGY
2015-08 Associations between soda prices and intake: Evidence from 24-h dietary recall data FOOD POLICY
2015-07 Patient factors affecting frequent potential unnecessary injection use in outpatient care setting ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH
2015-06 지역약국 약료서비스 제공의 장애요인: 약사 대상 설문조사 한국임상약학회지
2015-05 Association of Demographic and Socioeconomic Factors With Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Disease 예방의학회지
2015-05 일개 대학병원 외래환자의 예약부도(No-Show) 관련요인 대한보건연구
2015-05 Quantile regression analyses of associated factors for body mass index in Korean adolescents PUBLIC HEALTH
2015-04 Impact of body mass on job quality ECONOMICS & HUMAN BIOLOGY
2014-11 The impact of medication adherence on health outcomes for chronic metabolic diseases: A retrospective cohort study RESEARCH IN SOCIAL & ADMINISTRATIVE PHARMACY
2014-09 인천지역 청소년에서 천식, 알레르기성 비염, 아토피피부염과 체질량지수와의 관계 Allergy Asthma & Respiratory Disease
2014-09 Cost-effectiveness of Tolvaptan for Euvolemic or Hypervolemic Hyponatremia CLINICAL THERAPEUTICS
2014-09 Food away from home and body mass outcomes: Taking heterogeneity into account enhances quality of results NUTRITION
2014-03 What are the patient factors affecting repetitive use of injectable pain relievers in outpatient care settings? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS
2014-03 Effective policy initiatives to constrain lipid-lowering drug expenditure growth in South Korea BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH