논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2017-04 BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation predictions using the BRCAPRO and Myriad models in Korean ovarian cancer patients GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY
2017-03 Surgical technique for single-port laparoscopy in huge ovarian tumors: SW Kim’s technique and comparison to laparotomy Obstetrics & Gynecology Science
2017-01 A novel clinicopathological analysis of early stage ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors at a single institution Obstetrics & Gynecology Science
2017-01 Delayed hemorrhage effect of local anesthesia with epinephrine in the loop electrosurgical excisional procedure Obstetrics & Gynecology Science
2016-12 The long noncoding RNA HOXA11 antisense induces tumor progression and stemness maintenance in cervical cancer. ONCOTARGET
2016-12 Treatment preferences of advanced ovarian cancer patients for adding bevacizumab to first-line therapy. GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY
2016-09 Primary and recurrent ovarian high-grade serous carcinomas display similar microRNA expression patterns relative to those of normal ovarian tissue ONCOTARGET
2016-09 PET/CT Response Criteria (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer) Predict Survival Better Than Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer Treated With Chemoradiation CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2016-08 Outcomes of uterine sarcoma found incidentally after uterus-preserving surgery for presumed benign disease BMC CANCER
2016-06 유전체 의학 시대를 맞이한 유전성 유방암-난소암 증후군 유전 검사의 임상적 함의: 임상의사가 바라본 전망 Journal of Breast Disease
2016-06 Betahistine reduces postoperative nausea and vomiting after laparoscopic gynecological surgery MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA
2016-04 Malnutrition Identified by the Nutritional Risk Index and Poor Prognosis in Advanced Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma NUTRITION AND CANCER-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL
2016-03 Clinical impact of high mobility group box 1 protein in epithelial ovarian cancer ARCHIVES OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS
2016-03 Genetic analysis of ovarian microcystic stromal tumor Obstetrics & Gynecology Science
2016-01 Intraoperative Diagnosis Support Tool for Serous Ovarian Tumors Based on Microarray Data Using Multicategory Machine Learning INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER
2016-01 Anti-Proliferative and Apoptotic Activities of M?llerian Inhibiting Substance Combined with Calcitriol in Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines. YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2015-10 De-escalation of the cumulative central radiation dose according to the tumor response can reduce rectal toxicity without compromising the treatment outcome in patients with uterine cervical cancer☆ GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY
2015-07 Role of surgical therapy in the management of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia Obstetrics & Gynecology Science
2015-07 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome after the Use of Gadolinium Contrast Media YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2015-07 Exposure of Surgeons to Magnetic Fields during Laparoscopic and Robotic Gynecologic Surgeries JOURNAL OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGY
2015-06 Clinical outcomes of adjuvant radiation therapy and prognostic factors in early stage uterine cervical cancer Radiation Oncology Journal
2015-05 Single-port access versus conventional multi-port access total laparoscopic hysterectomy for very large uterus Obstetrics & Gynecology Science
2015-04 Tailored radiotherapeutic strategies for disseminated uterine cervical cancer patients RADIATION ONCOLOGY
2015-03 Perioperative complications of robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery using three robotic arms at a single institution YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2015-02 Long non-coding RNA HOTAIR is associated with human cervical cancer progression INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY
2015-01 Treatment outcomes of extended-field radiation therapy and the effect of concurrent chemotherapy on uterine cervical cancer with para-aortic lymph node metastasis RADIATION ONCOLOGY
2014-11 ATP-Based Chemotherapy Response Assay in Primary or Recurrent Ovarian and Peritoneal Cancer YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2014-11 Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup (GCIG) Consensus Review for Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER
2014-11 Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup (GCIG) Consensus Review for High-Grade Undifferentiated Sarcomas of the Uterus INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER
2014-09 Surgical Outcomes of Robotic Radical Hysterectomy Using Three Robotic Arms versus Conventional Multiport Laparoscopy in Patients with Cervical Cancer YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2014-07 Association of pancreatic adenocarcinoma up-regulated factor expression in ovarian mucinous adenocarcinoma with poor prognosis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY
2014-05 FIGO Staging for Uterine Sarcomas: Can the Revised 2008 Staging System Predict Survival Outcome Better? YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2014-01 Synergistic Effect of COX-2 Inhibitor on Paclitaxel-Induced Apoptosis in the Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Line OVCAR-3 CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2013-11 Primary omental yolk sac tumor Obstetrics & Gynecology Science
2013-10 Learning curve analysis of robot-assisted radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer: initial experience at a single institution JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY
2013-09 The benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy combined with postoperative radiotherapy for endometrial cancer: a meta-analysis. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY
2013-07 Staging laparoscopy for the management of early-stage ovarian cancer: a metaanalysis AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY
2013-06 Two-Port Access Laparoscopic Surgery in Gynecologic Oncology INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER
2013-06 Comparison of carboplatin- and cisplatin-based concurrent chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer patients with morbidity risks ONCOLOGIST
2013-03 The ON-Q pain management system in elective gynecology oncologic surgery: Management of postoperative surgical site pain compared to intravenous patient-controlled analgesia Obstetrics & Gynecology Science
2013-02 Is single-port access laparoscopy less painful than conventional laparoscopy for adnexal surgery? A comparison of postoperative pain and surgical outcomes. SURGICAL INNOVATION
2013-02 Effects of Uterine Manipulation on Surgical Outcomes in Laparoscopic Management of Endometrial Cancer A Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER
2012-12 Single-Port Laparoscopic Surgery in Extensive Peritoneal and Ovarian Endometriosis Gynecology & Obstetrics
2012-11 Prognostic Impact of the Cancer Stem Cell-Related Marker NANOG in Ovarian Serous Carcinoma INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER
2012-09 High-dose-rate Intracavitary Radiotherapy in the Management of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia 3 and Carcinoma In Situ Presenting With Poor Histologic Factors After Undergoing Excisional Procedures INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS
2012-09 A new prognostic index model using meta-analysis in early-stage epithelial ovarian cancer GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY
2012-05 Single-port laparoscopic surgery is applicable to most gynecologic surgery: a single surgeon's experience SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES
2012-05 MicroRNA profiling of a CD133(+) spheroid-forming subpopulation of the OVCAR3 human ovarian cancer cell line BMC MEDICAL GENOMICS
2012-03 Two-Port Access Versus Conventional Staging Laparoscopy for Endometrial Cancer INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER
2012-02 단일기관 부인과 환자의 산과력을 토대로 살펴본 한국여성의 유산율 Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
2012-01 Pre-treatment diagnosis of endometrial cancer through a combination of CA125 and multiplication of neutrophil and monocyte JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY RESEARCH
2012-01 Human chorionic gonadotrophin regression rate as a predictive factor of postmolar gestational trophoblastic neoplasm in high-risk hydatidiform mole: A case-control study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY
2011-12 Mode of delivery influences the regression of abnormal cervical cytology GYNECOLOGIC AND OBSTETRIC INVESTIGATION
2011-11 Learning Curve and Surgical Outcome for Single-Port Access Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy in 100 Consecutive Cases GYNECOLOGIC AND OBSTETRIC INVESTIGATION
2011-10 Feasibility and Surgical Outcomes of Laparoscopic Metastasectomy in the Treatment of Ovarian Metastases From Gastric Cancer INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER
2011-10 Prognostic significance of human epididymis protein 4 in epithelial ovarian cancer EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY
2011-08 Differential Effect of Intraperitoneal Albendazole and Paclitaxel on Ascites Formation and Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Ovarian Cancer Cell-Bearing Athymic Nude Mice REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES
2011-08 A randomized prospective study of single-port and four-port approaches for hysterectomy in terms of postoperative pain SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES
2011-08 The impact of pretreatment thrombocytosis and persistent thrombocytosis after adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY
2011-08 Comparison of the Efficacy and Toxicity Between Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy in Nodal and Isolated Nonnodal Recurrence of Ovarian Cancer INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER
2011-06 A case of isolated peritoneal metastasis in clinically early stage squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix Journal of Women`s Medicine
2011-06 Robotic single-port transumbilical total hysterectomy: a pilot study JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY
2011-05 Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Advanced Serous Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma: Possible Predictors of Chemoresistant Disease OMICS-A JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGY
2011-04 Functional Roles of Src and Fgr in Ovarian Carcinoma CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
2011-04 Single port transumbilical laparoscopic surgery for adnexal lesions: A single center experience in Korea EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY
2011-03 Overcoming technical difficulties with single-port access laparoscopic surgery in gynecology: Using conventional laparoscopic instruments JOURNAL OF LAPAROENDOSCOPIC & ADVANCED SURGICAL TECHNIQUES
2011-03 A case of stomach cancer metastatic to the uterine cervix Journal of Women`s Medicine
2011-02 Comparisons of Surgical Outcomes, Complications, and Costs Between Laparotomy and Laparoscopy in Early-Stage Ovarian Cancer INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER
2011-01 Pap smear screening for small cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix: A case series and review of the literature JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY
2011-01 Role of Robot-Assisted Surgery in Cervical Cancer INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER
2010-12 Single port access laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy, myomectomy, and appendectomy in one patient: Case report Journal of Women`s Medicine
2010-10 A case-control study of robotic radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy using 3 robotic arms compared with abdominal radical hysterectomy in cervical cancer. International Journal Of Gynecological Cancer
2010-10 The feasibility of carboplatin-based intraperitoneal chemotherapy in ovarian cancer European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
2010-09 Robot-assisted laparoscopic radical trachelectomy using three robotic arms Journal of Women`s Medicine
2010-09 a rare case of primary adenosquamous carcinoma arising from ovary Journal of Women`s Medicine
2010-08 Targeted Gene Silencing Using RGD-Labeled Chitosan Nanoparticles Clinical Cancer Research
2010-07 The feasibility of scarless single-port transumbilical total laparoscopic hysterectomy: initial clinical experience SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES
2010-07 Transumbilical single-port access versus conventional total laparoscopic hysterectomy: surgical outcomes American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
2010-07 Autoantibodies Against Stress-Induced Phosphoprotein-I as a Novel Biomarker Candidate for Ovarian Cancer Genes Chromosomes & Cancer
2010-06 Efficacy and Toxicity of Belotecan With and Without Cisplatin in Patients With Recurrent Ovarian Cancer American Journal of Clinical Oncology-Cancer Clinical Trials
2010-05 Two-Port Access Staging Laparoscopy for Gynecologic Cancers: A Pilot Study JOURNAL OF LAPAROENDOSCOPIC & ADVANCED SURGICAL TECHNIQUES
2010-05 EphA2 Targeted Chemotherapy Using an Antibody Drug Conjugate in Endometrial Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research
2010-03 Two-port access laparoscopic radical hysterectomy: First clinical report Journal of Women`s Medicine
2010-03 Clinical significance of tumor volume and lymph node involvement assessed by MRI in stage IIB cervical cancer patients treated with concurrent chemoradiation therapy Journal Of Gynecologic Oncology
2010-03 Diagnosis and staging of primary ovarian cancer: Correlation between PET/CT, Doppler US, and CT or MRI Gynecologic Oncology
2010-01 Robot-Assisted Staging Using Three Robotic Arms for Endometrial Cancer: Comparison to Laparoscopy and Laparotomy at a Single Institution Journal Of Surgical Oncology
2009-09 Acute toxicity of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor rofecoxib as a radiosensitizer for concurrent chemoradiation in the treatment of uterine cervical cancer Journal Of Gynecologic Oncology
2009-09 배꼽 단일 공을 통한 복강경하 전자궁절제술 대한산부인과학회잡지
2009-04 Surgical Stress Promotes Tumor Growth in Ovarian Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research
2009-03 Association between bacterial vaginosis and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia Journal Of Gynecologic Oncology
2008-11 Alteration of cell-cycle regulation in epithelial ovarian cancer International Journal Of Gynecological Cancer
2008-09 Expression of the p16INK4a and Ki-67 in relation to the grade of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and high-risk human papillomavirus infection Journal Of Gynecologic Oncology
2008-05 MicroRNA expression profiles in serous ovarian carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research
2008-04 Clinical significance of microsatellite instability in sporadic epithelial ovarian tumors Yonsei Medical Journal