논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2004-07 Herpesvirus saimiri STP A11 protein interacts with STAT3 and stimulates its transcriptional activity BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS
2003-08 Distinct roles of cellular Lck and p80 proteins in herpesvirus saimiri Tip function on lipid rafts JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY
2002-11 Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus mitochondrial K7 protein targets a cellular calcium-modulating cyclophilin ligand to modulate intracellular calcium concentration and inhibit apoptosis JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY
2002-01 Herpesviral protein targets a cellular WD repeat endosomal protein to downregulate T lymphocyte receptor expression IMMUNITY
2001-01 Viral interferon regulatory factor 1 of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus binds to p53 and represses p53-dependent transcription and apoptosis JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY
2000-01 Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (human herpesvirus-8) open reading frame 36 protein is a serine protein kinase JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY
2000-01 The K-bZIP protein from Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus interacts with p53 and represses its transcriptional activity JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY