논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2017-08 ENSO and East Asian winter monsoon relationship modulation associated with the anomalous northwest Pacific anticyclone CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2017-05 Feedback process responsible for intermodel diversity of ENSO variability GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2017-01 Role of nonlinear ocean dynamic response to wind on the asymmetrical transition of El Nino and La Nina GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2016-08 Inter-decadal change in El Nino-Southern Oscillatio examined with Bjerknes stability index analysis CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2015-09 ENSO and greenhouse warming NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE
2015-07 Feedback processes responsible for El Ni?o-La Ni?a amplitude asymmetry GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2015-06 Asymmetric impact of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on El Ni?o and la Ni?a characteristics GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2015-05 Changes in weather and climate extremes over Korea and possible causes: A review ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2015-05 The effects of ENSO under negative AO phase on spring dust activity over northern China: an observational investigation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY
2015-01 Linking Emergence of the Central Pacific El Nino to the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2015-01 Why the twenty-first century tropical Pacific trend pattern cannot significantly influence ENSO amplitude? CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2014-11 Southward displacement of the upper atmosphere zonal jet in the eastern north Pacific due to global warming GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2014-10 Blunt ocean dynamical thermostat in response of tropical eastern Pacific SST to global warming THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY
2014-10 The impact of tropical western Pacific convection on the North Pacific atmospheric circulation during the boreal winter CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2014-09 Response of El Nino sea surface temperature variability to greenhouse warming NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE
2014-08 Mid-Holocene tropical Pacific climate state, annual cycle, and ENSO in PMIP2 and PMIP3 CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2014-07 A physical mechanism of the precipitation dipole in the western United States based on PDO-storm track relationship GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2014-05 Role of tropical atlantic SST variability as a modulator of El Nino teleconnections ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2014-01 Altered atmospheric responses to eastern Pacific and central Pacific El Ninos over the North Atlantic region due to stratospheric interference CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2014-01 Recent progress on two types of El Nino: Observations, dynamics, and future changes ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2013-12 Late-twentieth-century emergence of the El Ni?o propagation asymmetry and future projections NATURE
2013-10 On the subarctic North Atlantic cooling due to global warming THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY
2013-07 Influence of Recent Stratification Changes on ENSO Stability in a Conceptual Model of the Equatorial Pacific JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2013-05 Quantitative assessment of the climate components driving the pacific decadal oscillation in climate models THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY
2013-04 Impact of freshwater discharge from the Greenland ice sheet on North Atlantic climate variability THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY
2013-03 ENSO-Like and ENSO-Induced Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability in CGCMs JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2013-03 Maintenance of PDO variability during the mid-holocene in PMIP2 CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2013-03 Quantifying the residual effects of ENSO on low-frequency variability in the tropical Pacific INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY
2013-02 Inverse relationship between the equatorial eastern Pacific annual-cycle and ENSO amplitudes in a coupled general circulation model CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2013-01 An alterative effect by the tropical North Atlantic SST in intraseasonally varying El Nino teleconnection over the North Atlantic TELLUS SERIES A-DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY
2012-11 Climate Variability and Predictability at Various Time Scales Advances in Meteorology
2012-11 Effects of freshwater runoff on a tropical pacific climate in the HadGEM2 ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2012-09 Recent and future sea surface temperature trends in tropical pacific warm pool and cold tongue regions CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2012-06 Vertical structure variability and equatorial waves during central Pacific and eastern Pacific El Ni?os in a coupled general circulation model CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2012-06 Decadal amplitude modulation of two types of ENSO and its relationship with the mean state CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2012-01 Seasonality of Tropical Instability Waves and Its Feedback to the Seasonal Cycle in the Tropical Eastern Pacific SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL
2012-01 Impacts of ocean gateway and basin width on Tertiary tropical climate variability in a prototype model THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY
2011-12 Atmospheric Responses of Gill-Type and Lindzen-Nigam Models to Global Warming JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2011-09 The role of mean state on changes in El Nio's flavor CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2011-08 Sensitivity of ENSO to Stratification in a Recharge-Discharge Conceptual Model JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2011-06 A linkage between the North Atlantic Oscillation and its downstream development due to the existence of a blocking ridge JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES
2011-03 Understanding ENSO Regime Behavior upon an Increase in the Warm-Pool Temperature Using a Simple ENSO Model JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2011-03 Linear solutions for the frequency and amplitude modulation of ENSO by the annual cycle TELLUS SERIES A-DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY
2010-10 Interaction between equatorially symmetric and asymmetric tropical eastern Pacific SSTs Theoretical And Applied Climatology
2010-06 Ocean Dynamic Processes Responsible for the Interannual Variability of the Tropical Indian Ocean SST Associated with ENSO 대기
2010-06 ENSO Feedbacks and Associated Time Scales of Variability in a Multimodel Ensemble JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2010-06 The impact of global warming on the tropical Pacific ocean and El Nino Nature Geoscience
2010-05 Changes in El Nio and La Nia teleconnections over North Pacific-America in the global warming simulations Theoretical And Applied Climatology
2010-03 The Inverse Effect of Annual-Mean State and Annual-Cycle Changes on ENSO JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2010-03 Warm Pool and Cold Tongue El Nino Events as Simulated by the GFDL 2.1 Coupled GCM JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2009-12 Interactive Feedback between the Tropical Pacific Decadal Oscillation and ENSO in a Coupled General Circulation Model JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2009-11 Low-Frequency Variability of Temperature in the Vicinity of the Equatorial Pacific Thermocline in SODA: Role of Equatorial Wave Dynamics and ENSO Asymmetry JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2009-09 Seasonal locking of the ENSO asymmetry and its influence on the seasonal cycle of the tropical eastern Pacific sea surface temperature Atmospheric Research
2009-06 A review of interdecadal changes in the nonlinearity of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation Theoretical And Applied Climatology
2009-03 Two Types of El Nino Events: Cold Tongue El Nino and Warm Pool El Nino JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2008-08 Interannual changes in the variability of tropical Pacific instability waves Asia-Pacific Journal Of Atmospheric Sciences
2008-08 Interannual variations of the Tropical Ocean instability wave and ENSO JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2008-01 A mechanism for the multi-decadal climate oscillation in the North Pacific Theoretical And Applied Climatology
2008-01 Successive modulation of ENSO to the future greenhouse warming JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2007-10 The influence of a weakening of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation on ENSO JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2007-08 The effect of orbital forcing on the mean climate and variability of the tropical Pacific JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2007-07 Local versus non-local atmospheric weather noise and the North Pacific SST variability GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2007-02 Propagating decadal sea surface temperature signal identified in modern proxy records of the tropical Pacific CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2007-02 The influence of ENSO on the generation of decadal variability in the North Pacific JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2007-01 Interaction between near-annual and ENSO modes in a CGCM simulation: Role of the equatorial background mean state JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2006-07 Changes in the leading ENSO modes associated with the late 1970s climate shift: Role of surface zonal current GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2006-05 Role of the ENSO-Indian Ocean coupling on ENSO variability in a coupled GCM GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2005-08 A method for detecting season-dependent modes of climate variability: S-EOF analysis GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2005-08 A nonlinear analysis of the ENSO cycle and its interdecadal changes JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2005-08 Decadal change in relationship between east Asian and WNP summer monsoons GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2005-07 El Nino La Nina asymmetry in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Simulations JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2005-06 Relative roles of the equatorial upper ocean zonal current and thermocline in determining the timescale of the tropical climate system THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY
2005-03 The forced and intrinsic low-frequency modes in the North Pacific JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2005-03 Preconditions for El Nino and La Nina onsets and their relation to the Indian Ocean GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2004-12 Interdecadal changes in the El Nino-La Nina asymmetry GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2004-12 Modeling evidence for enhanced El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation amplitude during the Last Glacial Maximum PALEOCEANOGRAPHY
2004-08 A dynamic link between the basin-scale and zonal modes in the Tropical Indian Ocean THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY
2004-06 Nonlinearity and asymmetry of ENSO JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2004-06 A near-annual Pacific Ocean basin mode JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2003-09 Conditional maximum covariance analysis and its application to the tropical Indian Ocean SST and surface wind stress anomalies JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2003-08 Symmetric and antisymmetric mass exchanges between the equatorial and off-equatorial Pacific associated with ENSO JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS
2003-02 Strong El Nino events and nonlinear dynamical heating GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2003-01 A near-annual coupled ocean-atmosphere mode in the equatorial Pacific ocean GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2002-02 A mechanism for decadal changes of ENSO behavior: roles of background wind changes CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2001-10 Why the properties of El Nino changed during the late 1970s GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2001-08 Collective role of thermocline and zonal advective feedbacks in the ENSO mode JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2001-05 Mechanism of locking of the El Nino and La Nina mature phases to boreal winter JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2001-03 Tropical Pacific basin-wide adjustment and oceanic waves GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2001-03 Sensitivity of the equatorial air-sea coupled system to the zonal phase difference between SST and wind stress ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2001-01 A systematic approximation of the SST anomaly equation for ENSO JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN
2000-08 An eigen analysis of the interdecadal changes in the structure and frequency of ENSO mode GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2000-06 Interdecadal change of the structure of the ENSO mode and its impact on the ENSO frequency JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2000-05 A further investigation of the recharge oscillator paradigm for ENSO using a simple coupled model with the zonal mean and eddy separated JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2000-04 On the slow mode of a simple air-sea coupled model: the sensitivity to the zonal phase difference between the SST and the atmospheric heating JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN
1999-12 The role of zonal advection feedback in phase transition and growth of ENSO in the Cane-Zebiak model JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN
1999-10 Thermocline and zonal advective feedbacks within the equatorial ocean recharge oscillator model for ENSO GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS